It's late. It's hot. Hayfever is a foot. And there's crazy thoughts of taking a cold shower running through my mind. So I'll keep this short. I wanted to give Nintendo's front man Reggie some lovin', but like I said, I don't know how much longer I can sit here in this pool of sweat.
GameSpot covers E3 each year, and I'm not to sure how long they've been doing their live coverage, but I just want to give them some kudos for doing a steller job. I haven't been giving the live footage my full attention throughout the night, but it's nice having it streaming while I sit here and do some work and bask in the pool of my own sweat.
As I write this, it seems to be Sony hour. GameSpot have been sharing the stage with a variety of third party PlayStation 3 developers showing off their goods. And I have to say, I'm impressed. It's safe to say the PlayStation 3 has had such a high rate of negetive press, both throughout the media and community, so much so it gives off the impression that it's cool to "Sony bash". Is the large majority of the negetivity valid? Sure. But hardware will always have it's teething problems on release (us PC Gamers get the brunt of that) and when you're a company like Sony that is so often in the lime light any problems they may have are ballooned up in the media.
Anyway, as I was saying, I'm impressed. The catalogue of games coming this holiday season look seriously kickass. They just got done with Naughty Dog and Uncharted, and it reminds me of a few games I've had a good time with in the past. Most noticably Freedom Fighters and El Matador. Same goes with Warhawk and Heavenly Sword. Although I have to disagree with the "realistic hair" the Heavenly Sword developer kept waffling on about. That stuff just looked fugly. Granted, although the a variety of games looked promising, they're nothing to make me "make the switch", as they say. But it's nice to see PlayStation 3 owners will have a good holiday season.
Right, time to go hose myself down.
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