The latest title to grace my vast collection is the highly anticipated Quake 4.
The reviews that have been shelled out for this game have been high, mostly around the 8.3 region. Which, for a title in this day and age is a damn good score. My problem is, however, is why it didn't score slightly higher. I'm not expecting it to hit the 9's, but something along the lines of an 8.8 would be more suited. I raise this point because i don't agree with why all the reviews scoring it down. What did they all say? Basically, the single player is to "run-and-gun" and the multiplayer is to much like Quake 3. First of all, let me tackle the point about the single player. If people expect every title to have the complexity, the tactical view, the depth that games along the lines of Brothers in Arms have, were you sit in a ditch for 15mins planning a 30 second attack on small group of enemies, then i'm sure we'd all be sick of the slow paced action. Games like Quake 4 give us a break of the so called "groud-breaking FPS's" and take us back to the roots of gaming ... take a big gun and shoot everything that moves. It maybe simple, but is so easy to pick up and play and is very enjoyable.
Now onto the multiplayer. I'm not going to spend to much time on this. I'm only going to say two things ... why fix what isn't broken and ... look at CS:S and DoD:S. Firstly, Quake 3 was and still is hugely followed on the online gaming community. So why change it? There is no need. Just give it a bit of a make over, bringing it into this era of gaming, and all is good. The reason i mention CS:S and DoD:S is because Raven has done what Valve did with CS:S and DoD:S but with Quake 4. Not try and make a sequel to their predosensors, but simply give them a graphical face lift to make them more appealing. And for Valve it works, and in my opinion it has worked for Raven.
Now, in my last post i said i would mention why i didn't jump on the ban wagon and purchase FEAR. To put it simply, because i'm a wuss. I had to build up so much courage just to play the demo, and even then i found myself pausing the game and preparing myself each time i entered a room. Seriously, i must of lost about 30lbs with all the sweat and **** i let out playing that demo. So, to save myself from having any health problems, i decided to give FEAR a wide birth untill i can grow some balls.
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