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Weebluedude Blog


Does anyone know if the new Avatar game is worth it? Cuz I don't want to have the same thing happen to me with the Metroid Prime Trilogy. I waited for the price to go down, and it was discontinued. So... is it worth it???

P.S. I finished my username logo/picture/signature thing. Here it is, what do you think?:

Spirit Tracks Release Date

Does anyone know when (approx.) the new Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, releases for the Nintendo DS? One website said, August (but I don't see that happening), another said late 2009, and then the guy behind the counter at a gaming store said March 2010???? Does anyone have a close estimate? Better yet, is there an official release date? If so, please reply with a link to where you found an official release date. Thanks!