I thought it was time for a break from my Gaming updates, and I wanted to ask you all a question. In fact, it's one I think I've asked before. How does one go about making a Signature thing to attach to the bottom of all the deep and meaningful Forum posts one may make?
I've seen a few of them on various Gamespot people's posts, and wondered how to go and make one of my own. I've also got a couple of Union tags I was looking to attach to it all as well. Now, given that I'm no expert in the field of making these things, where would I need to look to find out some more information? Is there someone who can instruct in this most Arcane of the Gamespot Arts? Is there a guide, or FAQ somewhere? And why aren't I making more of an effort to find this information out myself? :P
Just the same, some help in this area would be appreciated people. A guiding light during the storm, so to speak. Any takers out there? :D