Good evening, ladies and gentlemen - I hope this entry finds you all well out there in Gamespot Land... :)
Tonight, instead of writing up that general Journal entry that the Gamespot website decided to devour whole, kicking and screaming in extreme agony as it was brutally destroyed by the evil text editor... *ahem* (Sorry about that, still a lil' bit of a sore subject) I figured I would write up a bit about some of my recent Gaming. Yes Vash, you may start jumping about and making happy sounds, and I've been playing your favourite Game again. *grin*
Yup, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 again, and I've made some more progress, answered some questions, and generally caused a lot of trouble as I have waved my Keyblades around a whole bunch. :)
*Spoilers Ahead*
Since last time we checked in, I've run through a few more Gummi mission things, and unlocked a few new designs - even managed to design my own ship with some kewl lil' wingmen dudes to help out. Definitely makes it easier when you're trying to collect Medals or make the right amount of kills. I'll modify it when I get some better Gummi module things (don't you like how I'm using all the correct terminology? :)) and see if I can make it even BETTER than it is already.
I've also discovered what the Organization is up to. (At least, I think I have...) Who woulda thought that all those Heartless I've been battling so efficiently are giving up their Hearts, only to have them snatched by the Dudes in Black? I mean, how rude! Makes me wonder why I bother, really - given that I seem to be helping the guys I'm trying to defeat!
I've also managed to unmask a few of those hoods, and find out lots of names with the letter "X" in them. Was nice to discover that the dude I was battling all the way through Kingdom Hearts wasn't even the real Ansem though - good that I stopped him, but what the heck is going on here now? So I stopped his Apprentice in the first Game, but now I have to beat him again in the second one - just beating up his Nobody now?
Prediction - Based on current information, dress sense, tones of voice and a gut feeling... I know who the real Ansem is. It's the Dude in Red - Diz, I think he's called now? Just because he's wearing a hood over his face doesn't mean I don't recognize the flair with which he wears his red scarfy thing around his neck. Diz is Ansem the Wise - the real Ansem, and he's getting revenge (somehow - haven't figured that bit out yet) against his Apprentice and the rest of Organization XIII, and Sora / Roxas has something to do with it.
Interesting fact that I've noticed about people's names in the Organization. First, you take the real person's name. Then, you rip out their Heart and make a Heartless somewhere, to leave the Nobody behind. Now, you rearrange the letters in their name and chuck an "X" in for good measure. Now you have their name in the Organization. Clear as mud? Two cases in point - SORA's Nobody is RoxAS. (Easy one, that one.) The "fake" ANSEM's Nobody is now called xEMNAS. I suspect it's gonna apply to the rest of them as well in some way or another, but I'm not sure yet. Time will tell on that one... :)
But the title of this entry is to discuss an event I faced after wandering through Space Paranoids a couple of times, and helping out my good buddy Tron. On my way out, I finally managed to catch up with King Mickey (yay - only took me a Game and a half to catch up to him... :P) and find out about the true Ansem. But on my way out of the Castle part, I managed to wander down into the Maw outside of Hollow Bastion, and this is where I had a somewhat massive battle.
With One THOUSAND Heartless...
Kinda blew me away when I realized just how many of the lil' dudes I was fighting. Even more amazing was how quickly I was carving my way through them. Use a couple of Reaction Commands - there goes 10 of 'em. Pick up one of them to use as a gun - there goes another 50 of 'em. Sure, it took me a few minutes to wipe the floor with them, but I managed to take out a THOUSAND enemies... by myself no less! How kewl is THAT? *grin*
I'm now wandering back through all of the Worlds for the second time, and encountering a whole bunch of Boss Monsters and Organization members. Managed to slash my way through most of them without too much difficulty, which is good. I'm currently trying to level up my Forms a bit (as my Master form is woefully low-level, and I'd like to beef up Valor and Wisdom some more as well), and working on giving the Moogles a bit more experience by making them make more stuff. Usual grind that tends to occur in RPGs at some point or another while you're working towards 100% completion.
Actually, I've had some weird Heartless-like Form show up from time to time - what the heck IS that thing? Doesn't seem to use Keyblades, and I'm not sure how it's triggered, but it seems to jump around a lot and still kill the enemies, so I'm not too fussed about it so far. Does NEone know what the thing is?
On a final note for this part of the Journal entry, I've managed to catch a few hints of Riku's trail. Think I might've visited somewhere he's been recently, and it's looking like he's part of the Organization now. So what's he doing there, and how is that gonna help or hinder me? I dunno yet. Kairi's still missing, but again it sounds like she's been captured by the Organization. Still gotta track her down and do the rescuing Hero thing, I think. Time will tell what happens with those two...
Back to the rest of my entry, I think. Thanks for listening, guys.
*End Spoilers*
NEhow, I've gotta go back and try and finish up some DS Games I've been playing recently, and Anna looks like she's making some definite progress in Bejeweled 2, so I should prolly sign off here and leave you to the rest of your evenings.
'Till next we meet...