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Chock full of Persian Goodness...

Well, a while has passed since I've talked about the Games I've been playing, so it's time for a Part Time Gaming Update (tm)!  :)

Most recently, I've been helping my mate Stan's son play through some of Pursuit Force.  Not the soon-to-be-released watered down US version either.  I'm talking the relatively difficult PAL version that we saw here in Australia a couple of months back.  He's six, so he's having some trouble with some of the levels.  It's just as well his Uncle Matt is there to save the day, eh?  :D

Also played (and finished [again]) Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time.  Good fun for a few hours, although this time I made the effort to max out my Dagger of Time.  Got close too, although I must have missed a couple of Sand Cloud thingies, so didn't quite make it.  Enjoyed the run through the Game again, which took me just over six hours.  Great Game - check it out sometime if you've never played it before.  Very stylish, and not too difficult either (unless your name is Ken.  :P)

Working my way through Prince of Persia - Warrior Within.  Lil' bit darker than the first one, with lots more ways in which to wreak painful death on the unsuspecting servants of the Empress of Time.  Just managed to escape the Dahaka the first time, so I'm still early in the Game.

Taking a break from Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones at the moment.  Wanna finish the second Game first and then pick it up again once I've got the whole story sorted.  I've enjoyed the bits I've seen of Two Thrones so far, but I'll cope without it for a lil' while.  Don't wanna finish up the trilogy before I even see the middle of the story...  :)

I'm also suffering some cravings for some Ratchet and Clank at the moment.  I finished up the original some time last year, and I've been working on the second Game from time to time.  Might have to drag it out and enjoy some of those Clanking noises again, I think...

Game on, people!  :D