Well, I decided over the past couple of days that rather than let my new Wavebird controller for my 'Cube sit there and gather dust, I would hook it up and actually play something on the Gamecube for a change. :)
Enter Metroid Prime.
I'd had a look at this game when I got the 'Cube a couple of months back, but hadn't managed to find a whole lot of time to play it. And when I got into The Bard's Tale on the 'Box, I put it off to one side with the intention of "playing it later". Now that the Tale is over, I've put it at the top of my Now Playing list and am giving it a good go. And I must admit, I'm quite enjoying the ride. :)
So far, I've managed to fix up my suit somewhat, and have accumulated a few goodies along the way to make my exploring of the Chozo Ruins on Tallon IV that much easier. I gotta admit, I love the Morph Ball idea - how cool is it that you can Morph from a human adult into a cool lil' Ball thing and roll around and bomb stuff? I've got some Space Jump boots (ah, the tried and true double jump is alive and well... *grin*), the Varia Suit (not so worried about that lava NEmore) and even quite a collection of missiles at my disposal.
Now if I could just figure out how to neutralize that Sheegoth without getting frozen all the time, the Wave Beam would also be mine. :D
Think I might have to head back to Tallon IV for some more adventures in the life of Samus Aran - I've just had a thought involving the Morph Ball and some Bombs going in under the Sheegoth. More another time, people.
Game on! *grin*