Oh, the mirth I am experiencing right now as I chuckle at my clever title for this entry. :)
If you haven't already guessed what this entry is about, lemme just give you a hint. Look at the capital letters. What? Oh, all right then! It's about the Nintendo DS already, OK? :P
Yes, I managed to pick mine up between one shift and another on that Thursday back in February. It was a bit tough, racing from work to the EB Store, but I managed. It involved calling the store during the day and explaining how it would all work. The plan was for me to run in the door, pay for the last bit of my preorder, and pick up the goods that they were to have all prepared and bagged up for me. I would then run back out the door - trying not to run into too many customers on the way - and race off to work again for another couple of hours. And it all worked surprisingly well. :D
The Nintendo DS is awesome fun. It's nice to have a hand-held console, as even though I love my PS2 and X-Box, they are kinda fixed in place in my lounge room. So having the flexibility of playing wherever and whenever I like is kinda kewl. The stylus and touch screen took me a minute or two to get used to, but I'm all sorted with it now and making the most of it. Haven't managed to play any multiplayer games on it yet, but I have some friends interested in getting their own DS, so we'll see how the functionality of that works down the track.
On the game front, I only have two DS games right now, and two GBA games. I've mainly been playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance since I got the DS, which has proved to be all sorts of fun. I've recently started having a look at Warioware Touched and that has been great fun (although a lil' warped). So I'm actually quite enjoying the console so far. :D
More on what the games are like when I manage to actually find some time to PLAY them, which isn't all that often... :(