Oh... My... God...
I'm functioning on about two hours sleep at the moment, considering something occurred to me yesterday a lil' earlier than expected. My Broadband got hooked up a couple of days early. :)
So yesterday afternoon, I spent a LOT of time online on my old account, transferring e-mail addresses and updating websites and generally preparing myself for all sorts of fun and Games. I never realised how many mailing lists I was on, and how many websites I'm a member at that require an e-mail address as part of it. So a few hours passed doing that, and posting out e-mails to friends and family - updating them of my e-mail address changing and stuff...
After that, I decided to try and hook up the modem myself and do some surfing on the 'Net with my new ADSL2 connection. There were a few Game updates I wanted to download, a movie file I wanted to see, and a whole bunch of videos here at Gamespot I wanted to watch. I could never do that with my old dialup (not if I wanted to get NEthing else done ever again), so it was gonna be kewl to try it out.
But then, it was like a veil passed in front of my eyes and next thing I knew it was 0400 hours. Considering I had to be awake again at 0700 to get ready for work, this meant I had to get some sleep! Was kinda weird - one of those lost-time experiences you suffer when you're abducted by aliens or something. *shrug*
Needless to say, all I have to do now is purchase myself a wireless Gaming Adapter thing for my X-Box (and the 360 when it comes out in 5 days *grin*) and then hook myself up to X-Box Live. Keep practising, Znuggles - you're gonna need it mate! :)
I must admit though - I'm very pleased with how the ADSL is going. I'm managing speeds of about 11mbps without an issue, which is plenty fast enough for what I wanna do. Plus, I now have a wireless network that I can piggy-back using my PSP (and hopefully the DS when the Wireless Adapter thingy comes out for it here in Australia) and all the other fun stuff I can do so quickly now on the 'Net in general.
Just thought I'd let you all know I'm doing good over here with my new toy. I'll be equally as excited when the 360 arrives and I'm hooked up for some online Gaming, but one step at a time, eh? In the meantime, make sure that you all...
Game on! :)