Well, I have had a bit of a look through some of my recent Journal entries, and with the exception of my recent Review of WarioWare Touched! for the DS, I haven't been talking about Games much recently. I've decided to rectify that with a bit of a general entry on some of the Games I managed to have a go at on my lil' holiday I've just had.
As most of you are prolly aware, I have managed to procure myself a 'Cube recently, which has opened up whole new vistas of Gaming pleasure for me. (It also means I have loads of Games I now need to track down to add to my collection - yeah, I think I'm obsessive-compulsive. Allow me my hobby, OK? :P) Now, March isn't quite the mad month that last November was, but there still have been a few good releases in the past month that I've managed to get hold of (I love the pre-order thingies - means I don't have to stress about money when they all come out, just so long as I spot a release date early enough. *grin*)
Most recently, I've managed to pick up Dante's Awakening on the PS2, Resident Evil 4 on the 'Cube and I've traded in both Fatal Frames on the PS2 and converted 'em to their X-Box counterparts. Why, you may ask? Yes, you may ask that... :P
I managed to have a bit of a play on DMC3, and I must say I'm impressed! I've only managed to have a go at it for about an hour or two, and I like the new combat styles you can use. I also am quite pleased that they've made sure Dante has plenty of attitude in the game, which is part of the reason why he's so cool. (No, I'm not a fanboy people - I won't be asking who would win in a fight between him and Mayu, although it is an interesting question... Maybe I should post it in the Forums somewhere and see who answers? :P) It is a bit harder than the original, and I'm outta practise with my demon slaying, so I got my butt handed to me on a platter fairly quickly. A bit of practise, and I'll do better - I hope. :)
Resident Evil 4 is awesome as well. I like the new over the shoulder view, and the new weirdness in the story. Only managed to get up to the end of Chapter One, and early into the second bit, so I'm still a lil' puzzled as to what's going on with the weird villagers. They die much like zombies, but they don't act like 'em, so I'm getting slaughtered a decent amount in this game as well. It's been a while since I've played any of my Resident Evil games, so I might have to drag 'em out to practise some before attempting to save the President's daughter...
I still haven't managed to have much of a go on the Fatal Frames, but I'll get there. At some point. I've actually managed to get myself invited into the Fatal Frame Union, but I might save that for another post. Onwards and upwards with the Gaming! Gotta spend some time this weekend playing some more of my newer Games. :)