Well, I've certainly had a busy day. Just got back from watching TMNT, and have been to some dance lessons as well, given blood, done some work related stuff, and even got domestic around the house a bit. How about yourselves? You all keeping out of trouble out there in Gamespot Land? :)
Even now and again, I like to pop all of my 360 Games in the Console and see whether there have been any Updates for them. Usually there isn't much to see, with maybe one or two exceptions. Today however, was a different story. While wandering around Gamespot, I spotted News of an Update to Gears of War - so I figured I would check it out. Whacked the Game in my Console, and downloaded a new play mode and some other tweaks. At that point, I decided to go through and check some other Games too...
Nine Games and ten Arcade Games later, I had downloaded all the updates. A mammoth amount of 'em for a change, which is kinda kewl. Updates to Games such as Oblivion, GRAW 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Burnout, Zuma, Outpost Kaloki X, and a whole mess more. And some big updates, too. My problem is that I don't actually know what all the updates have DONE to the Games I love. I mean, are they just some tweaks to fix some buggy bits? Do they add extra content? Are they there to modify how some weapons work in the Game, or do they add extra functionality to online Gaming? How do I find out what an update does, NEhow? Does NEone know how?
But the main reason I'm writing tonight - and why the title is what it is - is because of a lil' Game known as Marvel - Ultimate Alliance. As some of you know, I managed to finish that Game earlier this year, and began a second play through on the harder difficulty level. Then I got distracted by some other Games (the usual story) and haven't gone back to it yet. Until today, when I downloaded the update for it...
It appears that the new update adds a whole mess of NEW characters you can play in the Game. Four new heroes, four new Villains. All playable during normal Gameplay. from the looks of it. Heroes such as Hawkeye, Hulk, Nightcrawler and Cyclops. Villains such as Venom, Magneto, Sabretooth and even Doom himself! How kewl is that? I'm sure some of you are sitting there with a bemused expression on your face (like Anna did) and shaking your heads, wondering why I'm getting so excited about a Game, but C'MON people! Eight new characters to play? That's AWESOME! (I mean, sure they're probably clones of other characters but with other skins loaded onto 'em, but that's not the POINT! :))
What's not immediately clear to me is how you're gonna get these extra characters. Gamespot seems to suggest that these will be bought with Microsoft Points (as with any extra content nowadays). However, checking out the Live Marketplace, I can find no listing for these Hero and Villain packs, so I'm wondering if that's true. What I'm kinda hoping (but not holding my breath about) is that you can unlock them during play like the other characters you find in Ultimate Alliance. You meet Banner at some point, although the others don't feature prominently (with one exception... *grin*), so I'm wondering whether there will be some extra content added within the Game as well, not just extra playable characters?
NEhow, I'm excited about it all, hence my Journal entry for tonight. More of an update when I know more myself...
In the meantime, while I continue to amuse Anna by geeking out about this new stuff, make sure that the rest of you continue to...