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Hey, is it 2007 already?

Just got home a few minutes back, so I thought I should bash out a quick message to you all out there in Gamespot Land.  By now, I think you all (should) have celebrated New Year's Eve, and I hope you had a good one.  :)

Personally, I went to one of those formal dinner things - y'know the ones with entertainment, good food, plenty of alcohol, those sorts of parties - with Anna, my sister, her husband, and some of their friends.  We all got dressed up and had a great time.

Just about to dash out the door again to catch up with some of Anna's friends for dinner tonight, so I'll have to run away again in a second.  In the meantime though, I would like to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, and shower you with kisses, hugs, and hearty handshakes (take your pick...  ;)) for that whole passing midnight thing.

I wish you all the best in the New Year, and look forward to spending some more time with you all here at Gamespot.  Now all I gotta do is make it through the next week, and then I'll be a whole year older again!  :)

Even while you celebrate, don't forget to: