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Howl of Victory...

How do you Howl in a Journal entry, NEhow?  Should I be attaching an MP3 of a wolf howling or something similar, or including a video clip or something similar?  NEway, you're probably trying to figure out what I'm going on about, so I guess I should be a lil' clearer...

I finished Okami.

I am on such a ROLL here at the moment, as that's something like five Games I've completed this year already.  And looking back (since I started this list NEhow) I only managed to complete six Games in the whole of last year!  I must be getting better (or at least more dedicated) at all of this Gaming thing, eh?  :)

*Spoilers Ahead*

Like I mentioned in my last Journal entry, I finished up Okami by fighting some big evil dude called Yami.  But before I got to fight him, I had to wade my way through battles with five of the previous Boss type figures from the Game.  Including (yes, you guessed it) Orochi.  AGAIN!

That's no less than THREE times I've had to fight that dude.  Seems a bit repetitive, really.  (Although I must admit I've gotten much quicker at taking him down by this third time)  OK sure, I've fought two different versions of the serpent demon, but the tactics for taking him down have basically been the same.  Why do you need to fight the same guy three times in one Game?  I'm confused...

I eventually gave up on trying to catch that last fish and finding the last piece of Sun Fragment thingy.  I had spent a couple of hours looking, and with no luck in finding them decided to move on to the last section of the Game and just finish it up.  Didn't take too long to take down all the bad dudes and then get to watch the end credits and stuff.  :)

After completing the Game, I had the option of saving again and using stuff in a new Game.  Managed to keep all my upgrades based on my Praise levels, and even kept most of the Divine Instruments and pretty much all of the items I'd accumulated during the Game.  Even got some kewl new stuff for completing the Game and maxing out all my achievements - so I was pretty happy.  Played on in my new Game for an hour or so before deciding to try something different.

*End Spoilers*

So, having taken care of that Game, it's time to wheel out my list again - seems to be popping up quite regularly this year, don't it?  *grin*

  Malkav's Completed Games List (tm)

We Love Katamari - 25th February, 2006

Tomb Raider: Legend - 15th of April, 2006

Me and My Katamari - 6th of May, 2006

Guitar Hero (Easy Career) - 12th of June, 2006

Guitar Hero (Medium Career) - 24th of July, 2006

Guitar Hero II (Easy Career) - 4th of December, 2006

Lego Star Wars II (100%) - 21st of January, 2007

Guitar Hero II (Medium Career) - 21st of January, 2007

Gears of War (Hardcore) - 7th of February, 2007

Marvel - Ultimate Alliance (Normal) - 19th of February, 2007

Okami - 19th of March, 2007

Actually, Anna's been talking about wanting to give Okami a go, so you may actually end up reading about it in her Journal as well over the coming months.  We'll see how that pans out, eh?

Now, on to other things...  Vash, you will be pleased to notice in my Now Playing list a new Game.  Yup, I've finally gone back to try and finish up Kingdom Hearts 2.  It's been a while since I've played that Game - even though I picked it up on its release date here in Australia.  So, after my recent stint of playing lots of RPG Games, I figured I would continue and make a dent in KH2 as well.

So far, I'm only about 10 hours in, so I suspect I am still in the very early stages of the Game.  Haven't really figured out much of what's going on, but I'll do my usual and update you all on how things are going once I've seen some more, K?  :)

I'm also thinking about going back to finish up a couple of other Games I've gotten a fair way into as well.  The Games in question are Psychonauts and Shadow of the Colossus.  I reckon I must be getting near the end of Psychonauts, and I know I've only got one or two more Colossal creatures to taken down in Shadow - so I'm wondering why I haven't yet?  That's the problem I have with my Gaming, as I tend to play a Game for a while, then wander off and play something else, and never quite finish the one I started.  (Hence my membership with Geeceepass, really.  :))  Given my recent successes in completing Games, I figure I should go back and knock those two off...

NEhow, I should get back to fiddling around with my Other Profiles that I've discovered I've got because of my Gamespot membership.  Having a wander around there is proving kinda interesting.  I'll write some more about my Gaming stuff anothr night, people.

In the meantime, don't forget to...