Ladies and Gentlemen, from henceforth I have a new title. You may now refer to me as "Da Godfather". :)
As of a few hours ago, my very good friends Stan and Giulia (who recently had a bouncing baby boy) decided (in their wisdom) to make me the Godfather of their child. Personally, I think they made the right choice. After all, who could be a better candidate for guiding the spiritual, emotional, and social developmen of such a young child?
There's so much I have to teach him! I need to make sure he understands how to blame other people for his mistakes, and how to get what he wants by crying a lot at a very young age. I need to show him how to get his older brother into trouble for things he didn't do, and how to play games on his Dad's PS2 and PC. I need to teach him about girls, and cars, and about fast food. I need to show him the World Wide Web, and all the wonders it contains. I need to teach him the value of money, and make sure he understands the varied ways he can get it (from Mummy's purse, for example) and SO much MORE!
I think I'm gonna be busy for a while here, people. NEone have any suggestions on where I should start? *grin*