Bad luck that is. Or so the saying goes if you're the superstitious type. Personally, I'm beginning to think I'm cursed, or that people around me should just watch out - as bad things seem to keep happening to them... :(
As you all know, my Grandpa passed away earlier this week. This was not unexpected, as he had been very sick - but was still quite sad, as he was a good man. Unfortunately, my week hasn't improved any and I am currently a bit of a mess, as around 24 hours ago, I discovered that my ex-girlfriend Kate had suffered an accident.
I had received strange text messages earlier in the week from a friend of mine, asking me how I was out of the blue, with no apparent reason as to why she was asking. Now, given that my Grandpa had just passed on, I let her know this and she was sympathetic, but ended the conversation shortly thereafter. I thought it was nice to hear from her - but I was puzzled as to the contact.
Last night I mistakenly assumed I had a meeting, which I didn't feel like attending. So I called up Peter, one of my colleagues in St. John, to put in my apologies. I was informed that the meeting was next week, and asked whether I had received an e-mail about the meeting - and about Kate. I had not at that point, and after some questioning it became apparent that Kate would not be attending the meeting due to "health issues" - a statement that seemed QUITE vague.
Shortly after that, I was speaking to Bruno - a mate of mine here in Adelaide who had recently purchased an X-Box 360 - and he asked me if I had heard about what had happened to Kate. Now at this stage I was starting to get a bit worried as to what had happened, and quizzed him about what he knew. It turned out that Kate had fallen off her horse - Curry - and was now in hospital. This was all he knew.
By now, I was beginning to freak out - what had happened to Kate? Was she all right? I called her family - no one answered. I called a mutual friend of ours - no answer. It wasn't until much later that night I discovered what had happened to Kate...
On Monday, Kate had a terrible fall from her horse Curry. So terrible in fact, that she broke her back and now has serious spinal injuries. Kate no longer has much feeling below her waist, and is not likely to ever walk again. Kate is eighteen years old. She has just started working in her chosen field, and finally managed to get the horse she always wanted. She has her whole life ahead of her, and is likely to be spending it in a wheelchair.
There is no justice in the world. What has happened to Kate isn't right or fair. She doesn't deserve this, people! :(
Needless to say, I'm a bit upset. I've spoken to her mother, and am planning on visiting Kate in hospital over the weekend. I am unsure as to how my visit will go, and whether Kate will welcome my company at all. Regardless, I'll be going - I may not be with her anymore, but that doesn't mean that I no longer have feelings for the woman...
I desperately need some sleep. I haven't slept well since Grandpa died, and I slept worse last night since I found out the news. I'll speak to you all another night.
Take care of yaselves, people.