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It's Only Wafer Thin...

You know how sometimes you just get a craving to play a Game?  You sit there and think "I haven't played that one in a while...  Perhaps I should drag it out for another play...".  I'm sure you've all experienced it at some point, and it tends to mean you drag out some weird and wonderful Game, dust it off and chuck it into the relevant Console to check it out again.  :)

Did that last night with Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door.  Started it a while back, but haven't really played it for a while.  Yesterday while I was sitting around at home, being a bit mopey, I dragged it out for another go - managed to get a good way into it, too.  *grin*

*Minor Spoilers*

I think when I'd last looked at the Game, I had only just found the first Crystal Star in Hooktail's Castle, and so was only in the very early stages.  I had my friends Goombella and Koops to help me out, and was learning all the intricacies of their special skills.

Last night, I put in a few hours of Gaming and managed to find not one, but TWO more Crystal Stars before I got really tired and had to sleep.  I also managed to acquire myself a couple of new friends to follow me around - Madam Flurrie (a gusty thespian who loves the stages) and Malkav (a Yoshi who was bouncing around in an egg for a bit). 

I've fought Gladiatorial combats, cleaned out large trees of X-Nauts, and beaten up Bowser at least once.  I've had my own personal Punie army, danced with a rather emotional computer, explored the depths of the Pit of a Thousand Trials, and even traded star pieces for kewl badges.  I've even dabbled in Oil futures, care of a large green rat.  In short, I've had some fun.  :)

I'm about to head off to Twilight Town (or a name similarly spooky, at least), to go in search of the fourth Crystal Star.  Perhaps I'll get cursed again so that I can fold myself up into a Boat or something similar?  *grin*

*End of Minor Spoilers*

Let's see what the future holds, eh?  Might not play it again for a couple of months, but I had fun with what I managed to achieve last night.

Game on, people!  :)