Yes, I agree. Not a terribly clever title, but it does help in clarifying my Gaming movements over the past week or so. How's everyone doing out there in Gamespot Land - keeping out of trouble, I hope? :)
I'm still in the throes of moving stuff around, so I haven't had a whole lot of time to play Games, unfortunately. I have still had the resources to purchase and store Games, which is something at least... In recent weeks, I have managed to find myself a sequel to an amazing adventure Game, pick up the latest expansion to an MMORPG, and even the latest (and even older) editions of a great fighting series.
First up, Adventures. Some time ago, I managed to track down a copy of the classic PC Adventure - The Longest Journey. Since then, I've heard bits and pieces about it's sequel, a Game known as Dreamfall - The Longest Journey. It's been out for a while in Europe (and of course the States), but for some reason it's taken a while for me to find it here in Australia. After ordering a copy, it took more than a few weeks to show up, and then the Staff at my local Game store forgot to tell me it had come in. Ooops! :(
Thankfully since then they found it and let me know, and I have now only to install it on the new 'puter and then I can play it. My 'puter is still at my place, but my darling mother will be inheriting that soon, just as soon as I manage to remove all the stuff I need from it. In the meantime, my PC Gaming is done on Anna's 'puter, which is better than mine NEhow. Kinda kewl really, but I haven't installed many Games on it yet.
On to other PC matters... It appears my good working relationship with the aforementioned Staff has paid off. Today, I managed to get my hands on a copy of Guild Wars - Nightfall. *grin* Now, I can't actually PLAY it yet - at least until the Servers go online officially - but I have it in my sweaty hands, to read through and drool over. Having played through some of the pre-release demo of Nightfall, I'm looking forward to starting up a couple of new characters and adventuring once more in Guild Wars.
Still going in the other two Campaigns, but haven't finished either yet. Actually created a couple of Prophecies characters, a Monk and a Warrior - both of which I'm gonna try and carry through the entire series. My Ritualist and Assassin are still going strong in Factions, and I reckon a Paragon and a Dervish should round out things nicely. Just gotta decide on the variety of secondary classes I want, and all will be hunky dory. :D
Finally (in this rather large update), I move on to Console matters. Been picking up various things on several Consoles over the past couple of weeks, but both involve the great fighting series - Mortal Kombat.
Firstly, on the PS2. Managed to pick up a copy today of Mortal Kombat - Armageddon. Now, I've heard some average things about it - new fatality system, only two fighting styles per character to name two - but I'm excited by the opportunity to play some of the older fighters missing from later editions of the Game. Given that my entry point in Mortal Kombat on the Consoles was Mortal Kombat - Deception, I missed out on some of the originals. So I'm hoping to try and experience some of their greatness in this latest Game.
Secondly, on the X-Box 360. I've also managed to download Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, which is looking pretty good too. Now Anna has played a few of the older versions (she complained about it being 3D when we played Deception), so she's excited by playing a 2D version of the Game. We'll have to check it out after Criminal Minds tonight on TV. I'll let you all know if she kicks my butt a lot when I write here again... :)
I also managed to download a few Demos (including Lego Star Wars II - which is looking pretty good fun), and another couple of Arcade Games from X-Box Live (Lumines Live, Doom and Dig Dug) to check out over the coming weeks. I don't know whether I'll upgrade to the full versions or not, although Doom IS kinda tempting. We'll see how I go, eh?
More another time, peope. Criminal Minds is on. Don't forget that in the meantime, you all need to...