Well, it had to happen sooner or later, people. My whole life here at Gamespot was building up to that one glorious moment, the moment in which I achieved my all time perfect Rank name - Gitaroo Man.
That moment has happened, but it has come and gone. All that has changed now. I've tried to limit my involvement here in my Journal for a lil' while now - hence my limited posting - but I just wasn't able to do enough to do too little here at Gamespot. The percentage bar marched ever onwards, unceasingly...
So it appears I have gone up another Rank, into another one of the weird ones. You may now refer to me as WerePaladin, the...
Metal Slime
Is that a Dragon Quest reference or something? 'Coz it sounds a bit weird just the same... *shrug*
NEhow, gotta get some sleep. Had a few days away from Cantha now - too much stuff to do in RL to save the world in Guild Wars for the moment. Haven't actually played ANY Games since Monday really, so I'm gonna have to make the effort again soon...
Perhaps now that Mr. Znuggles is getting himself a 360, I might have to make the effort to play on my 360 again for a bit, I think. *grin*
Time to run away again, I think. CYA all another night, my Gamespotty friends and don't forget that you should all make a better effort than I am and...
Game on! :)