are funny things, aren't they? I can remember a time in the not-too-distant past when "mobile" phones were the sizes of bricks, and generally not something you could carry around all that easily. More likely if you had a 'phone outside of your office, it would be in your car as they were popular for a while there...
Personally, I have never really liked the things. I mean, I tend to enjoy my privacy when I get some alone time. So the idea of having a device that enables people to be able to contact me wherever I may be tends to irritate me. Have any of you ever thought about the compulsion we have to answer a ringing telephone? You might be in the middle of having a shower, or doing something else when the 'phone rings. At which point, most people drop everything to rush to the 'phone and answer it - 'coz it could be something or someone important, right? And then it turns out to be some guy in a call centre somewhere wanting to sell you a new brand of socks.
Mobile phones make this compulsion easier to satisfy. The phone is right there in your pocket, or bag, or in some kind of pouch on your hip. So when it rings, you don't have to rush off and drop everything to get to the 'phone. You just need to step away from the conversation you're having, and answer it. Not terribly polite, but a lot simpler. Still, not my favourite devices...
So when both of my workplaces insisted I get a mobile phone several years ago, I was initially hesitant. People would be able to CALL me and annoy me about stuff! I didn't like the idea, but eventually relented. And then I was sucked into the evil world of the mobile phone and it's trickery. Since then, for the past couple of years I have had a couple of mobile phones. (Had to change my number at one point due to a stalker - that's another story) I now appreciate the value of them as this lil' speaking box has helped me with work on a number of occasions. However, I can also see how people can get themselves quite massively into debt with excessive SMSing or lengthy phone calls. (Something I discovered myself a year or so back when I was still new to this game...)
So it surprised me a lil' when I discovered how attached I had become to this lil' technological device. Earlier this evening, I was visiting my parents to catch up for a lil' while, and was taking the dog for a walk with my Mum. We ran around a bit with Buddy (the Dog) in the local cemetary, as he loves to run, and then headed home. Upon arrival, I was just settling down to watch some of the Appendices of The Fellowship of the Ring when I discovered my mobile wasn't sitting in it's lil' pouch by my hip. And I was surprised to find a moment of panic hit me as I wondered where it had gone.
After a brief search of the house, it hit me. It must have fallen out when I was running around after Buddy. So after a quick walk back to the cemetary, and a short but methodical search the missing phone showed up. All was well again with the world, except for the vague feeling of disquiet that I've turned into one of those people I dislike - those who value their mobile phones far more than they're actually worth...
Hmmmmmmm. Is there some kind of therapy group I can join in with or something to help deal with this problem? Is there NEone out there who can help me?