is an interesting game. (Figured I should put some stuff about the games I play in here, rather than just random mutterings of mine... *grin*)
On my first run through, I am attempting to plan ahead for the type of character I would like to have. Having read through the Manual (which seems to be thick enough to kill a small animal), I have made some choices about my character's future.
I have decided to being life as a Monk, as I have always liked the idea of being able to wade your way through a situation without having to rely on physical weapons. If a fight comes, who needs more than their fists and feet? Sits right with me, so it'll do to begin with...
However, I have also planned on multi-classing myself as a Sorcerer, and have recently gained a level or so in each class. Magic isn't a bad thing to mess around with from time to time, and the idea of a spellcaster who didn't have to memorize spells intrigued me. Plus, it also helps me with my longer term goal... :)
My THIRD class (that I'm working on adding in the near future) is the Red Dragon Disciple. Sounded kewl, so I'm looking at working towards that. Should manage to build myself a self-sufficient character who doesn't need armour or weapons, can stand their own in a fight, and do some nifty magic too... And who doesn't think wings and dragon breath aren't a kewl thing as well? :D
NEhow, the game itself seems pretty interesting. I'm still in the early stages, so I've only just entered the City of Neverwinter Nights itself. Picking up quests where I can, and trying to find clues as to WHAT is going on with this plague thing. Gotta track down some missing creatures first, so it looks like I have my hands full. *grin*
I'll update from time to time on how my character fares. I already have some ideas for other character combinations that should prove interesting - the Shifter looks kewl as well...