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November - Month of the New Release...

What IS it with gaming companies that they ALL release good games in the same month? I have been sitting back and thinking about just how many games I have on pre-order and am looking to pick up sometime in the next month or so, and it's starting to scare me...

Prince of Persia 2 - Warrior Within

The Bard's Tale

Need for Speed - Underground 2

Mortal Kombat - Deception

Half Life 2

Ratchet and Clank 3 - Up Yer Arsenal

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater

Lord of the Rings - The Third Age

And I'm SURE there are others I haven't though of that I'm looking to get hold of soon. (And there seems to be an awful lot of Three's happening in that list as well...) It's frightening, and I think that there must be some kind of conspiracy amongst them all to make me poor.

Hmmmm... Do I really need both kidneys? :P