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Online Mayhem...

Halo 2Well, I had my first go at playing someone from Gamespot online last night. Was playing around on the 360 - mucking around playing some Hexic actually - when I noticed on my Friends here at Gamespot was online, playing some Halo 2.

So, in the spirit of finding new ways of getting my butt kicked - I joined in a Game and played online against some people who were massively better than I am at the Game. I'm outta practise on the FPS type Games - haven't played Halo 2 online before, and haven't played it offline in a year or more. So, understandably I got my butt handed to me on a plate on more than one occasion. :)

I played some Oddball (held onto the Ball for almost seven seconds), some King of the Hill (managed to be the King for almost sixteen seconds), played some Slayer matches (and even managed to get a kill or two), and some CTF of various types (my team lost). But I had a lot of fun, and got to listen to some people speak in Portugese.

So thanks for the Game, Catamy. I'm gonna have to go off and practise some, so that next time I manage to NOT embarrass myself as much as I did last night. Possibly. :)

NEhow, I can still look forward to some Burnout (which I have been practising), when I finally manage to cross paths with Mr. Znuggles at some point - I think he's hiding from me or something... *grin*

More another night, I think. Take care of yaselves, people.