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Platinum Ahoy!

Well hello there to one and all, how's things in your part of this wonderful world? :)

From my point of view, I'm a bit of a happy chappy. I've had a good run with Games in the past couple of days, and achieved a couple of nice lil' goals...

Firstly, I spent a few hours on Friday night grinding in inFamous. Chased around a bunch of buses and trucks, beating down all the evil minions guarding them. After a few hours of beating them 'up, I clocked up enough experience to purchase the last couple of evil powers, and scored myself my first Platinum trophy on the PS3. Yay! So I've now put inFamous back on the shelf for the time being, and I've replaced it with Ghostbusters - as I have another difficulty level to complete in that Game. :)

Shifting Consoles, I've also put in a bit of time on the Secret of Monkey Island on the 360. I was always a fan of the old school point-n-click adventure Games (got a few of them on the PC already), but I'd never tracked down SoMI. So it was great fun to be able to play the original Monkey Island Game, and score some achievements during the experience...

As it stands, SoMI is a great fun Game. I was playing through it somewhere between two and three times simultaneously (*minor spoiler* One of the achievements is to complete the Game in under three hours, so I would play through a chapter to experience all the dialogue and figure out all the puzzles, and then reload a save from the beginning of the chapter and play through it again to complete it quickly and skip all the cutscenes and dialogue - worked pretty well actually. *grin*), so it took me a few hours to beat it.

The Game itself is GREAT fun, as there's plenty of funny dialogue options ("How appropriate, you fight like a cow" is something Anna is sick of hearing at this point), some tricky puzzles, and some slick modern (and for that matter, old school) graphics to top it off. The fight scene in the Governor's Mansion is hilarious, even though you can't see most of it - the humour is in the commands at the bottom of the screen, so watch out for those.

Overall, I'd recommend it for anyone who enjoys a funny adventure, and doesn't mind having a think from time to time. As of about ten minutes ago, I knocked over all twelve achievements for a full 200 points, so if any of you need a hand with it, sing out and I can point you in the right direction. :)

Dinner's ready now, and then I think I'll settle in for a night of TV watching. Next Game on the 360 front is another older one - Hitman: Blood Money. Again, one I never finished previously, but would like to wade through again. I have four playthroughs going on it simultaneously - one for each difficulty level - so it'll take me a lil' while to beat that one, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

In the meantime, make sure the rest of you...