I think it's time for something a lil' different. Znuggles and I were discussing recently our frighteningly large number of similarities (oh, except for that progressive rock thing... :P) and it came up in conversation that I may in fact be "Bizarro Znuggles". Now, personally I think it's the other way around - I think that he is "Bizarro WerePaladin", but that's just me. *grin*
NEhow, the whole thing got me thinking, and I decided to try a backwards and upside down version of the Quote Quiz. This also stems from a comment made by a certain lady, who suggested she was much better at guessing Movies based on the Actors, rather than from quotes. So, in keeping these things in mind, we have this alternate version of the Quote Quiz. Here's how it works...
I'll list three actors from a given movie. The challenge is to name the movie in question. One point for guessing the movie. Bonus points this time around will be for linking a quote I will be supplying that was made during the movie to one of the three actors listed. Fairly simple, right? So let's give it a try! :D
The three actors are...
Gary Oldman
Luke Perry
Chris Tucker
And here's the quote...
- "Voila! The ZF-1. It's light, handles adjustable for easy carrying - good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-Ray - ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower - titanium recharger, 3000 round clip with bursts of 3 to 300, with a replay button (another Zorg invention) it's even easier. One shot, and Replay sends every following shot to the same location. And to finish the job, old Zorg oldies but goodies. Rocket Launcher. Arrow Launcher - with explosive or poisonous gas heads - very practical. Our famous Net Launcher. The always efficient Flamethrower - my favourite. And for the Grand Finale - the all new Ice Cube system."
Let's see how you all go on this one, people. Clues supplied on request...