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Quote Type Things... (Part 6)

Well, I haven't been watching too many movies recently, so it's been a few days since my last Quote Quiz, I know. However, I've got a couple of challenges for you tonight, people. Let's get started with the sixth installment of the Quote Quiz.

Same rules as always people. Three quotes from the one movie. The first person to guess the movie scores themselves a point, and a bonus point is available for naming the characters who spoke the lines listed. (Quote Quiz Leaderboard will be going up later tonight... *grin*) Since the Google Gnomes are now safe back at Bam's place, this should be a more level playing field for the latest Quote Quiz... :P

Here we go!

- "My 'Them'. Every paranoid schizophrenic has one. A 'Them', a 'They', an 'It'. You wanna hear about my 'Them', don't you?"

- "It's about The End. To everything. And it starts here in this place, with an evil that returns and takes over Hobb's End - piece by piece - starting with the children. It's about people, turning into things. Creatures that aren't human anymore."

- "You can edit this one from the inside, looking up. It's funny, isn't it? For years, I thought I was making all this up. But they were telling me what to write. Giving me the power to make it all real. And now it is. All those horrible, slimy things, trying to get back in - they're all true. Come, see the instrument of their homecoming, what you have come looking for - the new Bible. It starts the change, helps you see..."

Let's see how you all go with this one. Clues availabe upon request, as always...