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RAAM for Improvement...

Well, it's time for me to make another Journal entry again, I think.  Been a lil' while - as per usual - since I've written, and it's - as per usual - due to me being busy in the real world and not having a lot of time to do this sort of stuff...  *shrug*

Marvel - Ultimate AllianceWell, I've still managed to do a bit of Gaming since we last spoke.  In recent times, I've been playing a bit of Marvel - Ultimate Alliance, and I've managed to get a decent way into the Game.  Unlock a few characters, played through a few chapters, and done some kewl stuff in general.

*Spoilers Ahead*

Currently, I'm part way through Chapter 3.  I believe I've done all the bits required to save most of Asgard, but I'm now on my way to discover what Doctor Doom has planned for Odin and the Sword of Twilight.  It's all seemingly building up to a big finale, but I've still got two Chapters to go - so I suspect a couple of twists and turns yet.

My Superhero team is known as "Masters of Night", and I've loaded it up with some kewl characters who I like from the Marvel Universe.  Currently, I believe I'm running around with:

  • Blade
  • Deadpool
  • Doctor Strange
  • Ghost Rider

They comprise my main group at the moment, but I have a couple more members on my roster, who I rotate in and out from time to time, including:

  • Elektra
  • Moon Knight, and
  • Spider-Woman

I've basically been not only picking my favourite characters - I mean, who doesn't love Deadpool, and that Elektra chick is scary and hot - but I've been trying to pick characters who have an affinity with the night and darkness.  Either half-vampires - like Blade - or ninja type characters - Elektra and Deadpool - and even those with mystical affiliations - Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange.  Why Spider-Woman?  'Coz she's hot.  Do I need another reason?  ;)

More updates on the Ultimate Alliance in due course...

*End Spoilers*

Gears of WarHaven't been playing too many other Games at the moment, although I did manage to put some time in on Gears of War tonight with my mate Bruno.  We've been playing our way through the co-op campaign every time we manage to get together, and been doing all right on the Hardcore difficulty level, which has been kinda kewl.  In fact, last time we left off, we were just at the beginning of Act 4 of the Game, and the end was in sight...

The good news is, that tonight we managed to finish the Game, and unlock quite a few achievements while we were at it.  Bruno has achieved all the Dom-based achievements available, and we've managed to score a few of the other main campaign related ones as well.  I'm pretty happy with our effort, so we've started up an Insane campaign, with him as Marcus, and myself as Dom.  Let's see how that goes, eh?

I think next time we might have to hold our Gears of War session here at home, so we can make use of X-Box Live and unlock some of those online multi-player type achievements, and pit our skills with the likes of the lovely Catamy (who I hear is kinda crap at Gears online...  :P), but that can wait for another time...

For tonight though, let's update something again (I hope you're keeping track here Mr. Znuggles, not only am I catching up to your Gamerscore, but that now makes three Games I've completed this year already - and it's only February!  :D), and put my Geeceepass Membership in jeopardy:

Malkav's Completed Games List (tm)

We Love Katamari - 25th February, 2006

Tomb Raider: Legend - 15th of April, 2006

Me and My Katamari - 6th of May, 2006

Guitar Hero (Easy Career) - 12th of June, 2006

Guitar Hero (Medium Career) - 24th of July, 2006

Guitar Hero II (Easy Career) - 4th of December, 2006

Lego Star Wars II (100%) - 21st of January, 2007

Guitar Hero II (Medium Career) - 21st of January, 2007

Gears of War (Hardcore) - 7th of February, 2007

And that should do for the night.  I gotta get some sleep, as it's kinda late.  I'll do a general life update over the next couple of days, so hopefully you can hang on until then.  In the meantime, make sure that you all...