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Rocking (Not Grinding)

This entry is a few days overdue, but life has been a bit interesting for me over the past week or so.  What with a new lady in my life, challenges at work and a vehicle accident, I've been kinda busy.  So please forgive me if I've gotten a lil' slack in making noise here at Gamespot...

(Gaming news first though)

Well, the time has come for me to change names here at Gamespot again.  I've been stuck with the Rank title of Metal Slime for quite some time now (something about a Level 20 glitch or summat similar?), but I've finally earned the right to be called something different.  You may now refer to me as WerePaladin, the...

Rock God

What's that?  You're saying that's NOT the Level 21 Rank name?  Hmmmmm...  That's weird.  Then there must be some other reason I'm getting called that.  Perhaps it has something to do with this new Game I've been playing - Guitar Hero?  :D

Awesome fun with the Guitar...  :)Over the past couple of weeks, I've been rocking away to the awesome tunes contained within this great Game.  I've learned how to play the Guitar (shaped controller) right handed - which is challenging, given that I'm LEFT handed - and even managed to finish the Game (on Easy difficulty).  So I'm quite enjoying myself so far.

(Actually just wandered off - mid-entry - to go and play some more Guitar Hero.  Managed to pull off a few five star performances on Easy difficulty, and managed to unlock some kewl new Songs in Medium difficulty - so I'm pretty happy.  Only a few songs away from completing my career in Medium, so I shall persevere tomorrow...  *grin*)

I'm looking to complete the Game on Expert level one day - but I may have to grow another finger on my hand to do so.  Still getting used to the fourth fret button, dunno how I'll do with the fifth.  Time will tell, eh?  :)

NEhow, it's late and I'm tired.  I've gotta get to work tomorrow at a stupidly early hour, so I should get some sleep.  Perhaps I'll do more of a general update tomorrow?  Dunno.  Let's see how work goes, and we'll go from there. 

Take it easy, people.  Hope you're enjoying the many and varied Games out there in the world, and don't forget - as you travel down life's highway - to...

ROCK ON!  :)