Lemme just say that Half-Life 2 can be a bit of a freaky game. A really really GOOD game, but freaky just the same. It's been a few years since I played the original Half-Life, and I'd forgotten how much of the time I spent running away from weird alien monster things. But that's OK - HL2 is reminding me all about it again! *grin*
I've managed to sit down at the PC a bit in recent days and actually have a fairly good bash at the game, and I must say, I'm thoroughly enjoying it! Actually I wanna say some bits and pieces, but I should flash up the following words before I do...
*Possible SPOILERS ahead*
Well, after my early problems with getting pursued by the Combine through the streets of City 17, things kinda got a bit more pear-shaped... I spent quite a while trying to escape from the City down an underground railroad for people trying to do exactly that - except that with all these nasty Combine types running around, things weren't working so well NEmore, and this supposedly "safe" escape route proved to be nothing of the sort.
*insert much running and screaming and shooting*
It's actually kinda good fun piloting around some of the vehicles you get to play with in this game - they're a LOT quicker than walking / running. Even better once they get guns on 'em. Kinda useful to shoot down some of the gunships and all. :)
Finding a safe haven was nice. Briefly. Until the bad guys showed up again, and once more I was forced to flee... Into the horrors of Ravenholme, and this is what the heading is about. This place is WRONG! Really! All sorts of atrocities committed on poor unfortunates, and the weird face hugger aliens all over the place, sitting on people's heads and generally behaving badly. I dunno HOW many times I've walked past (what I thought was) a corpse, only to have the damn thing leap up and run at me, generally freaking me out...
Now I just shoot 'em all in the head to make sure, but that wastes a bit of ammo.
And let's not mention the FASTER versions that jump around all over the place... *shivers*
Needless to say, I'm running scared right now, and hoping to make it SOMEWHERE safe. Again. For a lil' LONGER this time, please?
More another time, once I can close my eyes without screaming...