For those of you out with a Wii, you may have noticed something happen - particularly if you've handed out your Wii Number to other people. You may have noticed some other Mii's appearing around the place and making some noise on your Console... :)
Personally, I'm in the middle of a full-scale Mii-nvasion of Vash's Wii. We exchanged Wii Numbers a week or so back, and since then, the Mii's on my Wii have made the dash across the world to cause some trouble over there. Funnily enough, all the people who have played on the Wii have created their own Mii - so I got somewhere near about TWELVE of the lil' blighters running around at the moment. All of them have been set to Mingle as well (and I selected the Travel) option for the Mii Plaza, so they're all gonna escape at some point or another...
Have any of the rest of you with a Wii seen this happen? Or are you just not making many friends around the world? Personally, I think it's kinda kewl that you can have other people's Mii's show up in Games you play, even if they don't do much apart from hang around and show their faces. *grin*
On another note, if NEone out there would like to chuck their Wii Number my way, I will be sure to Mii-nvade your Wii Console as well. :)
Just a quick one for tonight. Off to watch some 24 and relax after the long weekend away. In the meantime, don't forget to...