Well, it seems that my luck with the female of the species is as awful as ever. One of these days, I'm gonna figure out that other Species that we Males share the planet Earth with, and make some sense of what they say and do. Although going on my track record, I don't think that is gonna be any time soon... :(
In recent days I have managed to (somehow) confuse a whole bunch of signals being sent at me by a certain young lady, and get rejected once more. Now, given how thoroughly she appeared to be hitting on me, I was somewhat confused by this reaction to my asking her out. As such, I sought the sagely advice of my Sister - a lady of some wisdom and knowledge in the area of Women (given that she kinda is one and all. :))
Upon discussing my situation with her, I was given the following wisdom - which I have decided to share with you all tonight. According to my Sister, there are two types of women in the world - Those Girls and These Girls. She tried to explain it to me in simple terms, but some of the specifics were a lil' garbled. It appears that Those Girls are the type of lady who wear short skirts, low cut tops that reveal various parts of their anatomies, and flirt a lot with the male of the species. Those Girls are then terribly surprised when said men hit on them, or have difficulty looking them in the eye. It seems the lady I was interested in is one of Those Girls.
These Girls seem to be different however. These Girls are the ladies who get upset at Those Girls for giving the female species a bad name. It appears that These Girls tend to say what they mean, and don't tend to flirt with a guy unless they are actually interested in him. These Girls like to be taken seriously, and supposedly try to undo the damage that Those Girls do to the male of the species. Of course, my Sister is one of These Girls. :D
The problem is that sometimes men manage to confuse These Girls and Those Girls, with usually unpleasant results for said male. Said case in point? Yours truly. You'd think after so many hassles with the ladies that I'd be getting better at recognising one of Those Girls, but it appears that I am not. Help me out here ladies - is there some signal, some tell-tale behaviour that sets you apart? Short of asking you all to carry around a card stating what type of girl you are ("Hi, my name is Liz and I'm one of Those Girls"... :P), how are we men supposed to tell the difference?
It's just one more layer of complexity that we have to try and sort through. And I honestly think you're asking a bit much of us male type people - given that we can't think on too many levels at once. We are simple creatures, who occasionally need a little help with all this stuff. Would any of you ladies like to shed some more light on this topic - scatter some more grains of wisdom out there for the terminally confused?
The worst part of all this is that I'm actually getting used to it. Not the being single part, or the feeling faintly jealous part of all my married friends. No, I'm talking about getting used to look of panic you see in their eyes when you ask them out for a drink and they realise that they have to come up with a nice way of saying NO without the whole screaming and throwing their arms in the air whilst they run away. You know when you're getting used to it when you recognise it almost instantly and can see where the conversation is headed before they even speak. It just worries me a bit, is all... :(