Well, I certainly had an interesting day today at work. I had an opportunity to evaluate the skills of a whole bunch of my peers, and basically inform them that their basic skills need some work...
Today was the first day of what has been named "The Travelling Roadshow", in which myself and couple of other Trainers started the ball rolling on a project that is going to make a lot of people a bit upset, I suspect. In St. John, we train people in First Aid - something I think you all know. But to do so effectively, our own skills as Trainers need to be top-notch. And unfortunately, this isn't the case with everyone.
So it was decided that a small group of us would need to demonstrate several important skills and evaluate said same skills of a group of our peers, to make sure their standard was acceptable. They would then go out and do the same with another group of Trainers each, with one of us along to supervise - and so on. Now, you may think that it sounds like quite an honour - to be selected for such a job out of almost 300 Trainers we have in St. John. I gotta tell you, it's not quite as good as you might think.
Lemme tell you, when people feel that they shouldn't be having to do something, they decide to make life difficult for you. I had a room full of people who were picking what all three of us were doing to bits. At least to begin with, that was quite difficult to deal with, but I got the hang of it eventually and settled into it without taking it all too personally. We got through the day, and I'm hoping the Trainers present picked up some new skills, but I'm not about to hold my breath on it or NEthing.
What made everthing THAT much more difficult was the fact that at that time when we started - I had been awake for almost 20 hours, and so was a bit vague myself. It is now somewhere more like 36 hours since I slept last, so I need to finish this up in a minute and get some sleep. I've finished my whinge now - back to more interesting topics... :P