Just a (relatively) short one for you all tonight. One of the really nice things that having Broadband has enabled me to do here at Gamespot is to actually watch some of those wonderful videos that are floating around the place...
For far too long, I've been forced to watch jumpy videos in low resolution while my poor dialup connection has tried to handle the large volume of data heading towards it. Now, I can check them all out in seamless hi-res, full-screen glory. It's GREAT! :)
So I've been watching lots of Tomb Raider - Legend videos, and checking out some of the kewl trailers for Timeshift and Prey. Tomb Raider is looking pretty kewl, and I'm hoping for some new action with the lovely Lara Croft in her seventh adventure. Prey is also looking pretty good, so there's a couple more Games for the 360 that I'm looking like pre-ordering too... *grin*
Speaking of pre-ordering, now that it is just over 24 hours until I will have my brand-spanking new X-Box 360 in my hot sweaty lil' hands, it's time to look ahead to the other Next-Gen Consoles due out later this year. According to the latest news here at Gamespot, the PS3 is due for a world wide (including Australia) release in November, and the Revolution is due out sometime similar. So, it's time to get on the pre-order bandwagon and give some money to my local Gaming store again.
I'm gonna start earlier than I did with the X-Box 360, as I don't wanna have to stress about how much money I need to put away so that it's all paid off by release date. So I figure starting now is early enough - eight months in advance. Combine that with all the release titles that will be detailed in the coming months, and I think I'm gonna NEED to start now...
(I said somewhere earlier that this one was gonna be short, didn't I? Oooooops! :))
NEhow, it's all looking good for tomorrow night. I get home from work, have some dinner and get changed. Watch some TV, play some Games for a while. Then around 2300, I head off to EB Games, to get my ticket and stand in line. I'm not sure exactly how many people will be joining me, but I suspect a few. I'm all paid up for my pre-order though, and having that good working relationship with the manager there will help - I'm not gonna be disappointed like some of you were around release date in the States and other territories. Just after midnight, they will officially let us into the store, and I'll pick up my pre-order and my copy of Oblivion and then waltz out again, to go home and set it all up. *grin*
Over the next day or so, I'll be picking up a wireless gaming adapter and hooking myself up to X-Box Live in preparation for the weekend, when much Game playing is planned. Sometime over that weekend I also plan on smearing Mr. Znuggles across the road in my first inter-continental Gaming session (Burnout 3 - Takedown on the X-Box), but that can wait until Sunday or Monday even... :P
So finally, at the end of this (not so) short Journal entry, I wish you all good fortune, and encourage you all to...
Game on! :)