Morning all - hope you are doing well out there in all your various parts of Gamespot Land. :)
Haven't been Gaming a whole lot recently, although I do try and get some quality time in front of my various Consoles where I can. Managed to spend the best part of a day playing some GRAW with a mate of mine - finally managed to complete all the Missions from Chapter 1 as actual Missions (as in, no infinite lives or NEthing easy like that). Took us a few hours, but we got there in the end.
Actually, having played a bit of GRAW multiplayer encouraged me to wade back into the single player Campaign. Sat down for a few hours last week and shot up some rebels for a while. Managed to get through a few of the missions too, which was kinda kewl. Playing all the multiplayer GRAW helped me a bit, but I'm still managing to take more than a few headshots - dying in spectacular ways is fun, but still frustrating. :(
So I've got two Games of GRAW going right now - one on Normal difficulty, one on Hard. Currently playing through each mission on Normal first, then swapping across to Hard and completing it there. Or at least, that's the plan for today. Already knocked off a few missions in Normal, so I'm looking to sit down and blow away some bad dudes on my day off. :)
I've also managed to drag out an older Game of mine, Mortal Kombat - Deception, for a bit of a play. It appears Anna has played an older version of the Game, so we beat each other up a bit a couple of nights back. I also tried to check out some of the goodies in the Krypt, but I have forgotten my Profile Kode. As such, I've had to start again in Konquest mode, which is kinda annoying. Gives me a chance to get good at it again though - which I'm gonna need if I wanna kick Anna's butt some more. :D
Also managed to play some Guitar Hero from time to time, and even some Guild Wars - finally managed to pick up the original Prophecies campaign, so I've created a new character or two to run around with. Haven't spent a LOT of time on either in recent days, but they're still there, and I mess around with 'em when I can. Anna's been kicking my butt in Guitar Hero, so I should spend some time practising on that one - part way through the Hard Career at the moment, but I'm outta practise, so I should prolly go back to Easy and Medium for a bit, I think. :)
Finally, I'm kinda hanging out for Kingdom Hearts 2 to be released here in Australia. I've been watching some of the Videos people have been posting here at Gamespot, and read Reviews and other such things. It's due out in only a couple of weeks here, so I'm getting a bit excited. Yes, I know all you other people in the world have had it for MONTHS, but we're a bit slower here Down Under. NEone who tries to ruin any of it for me will suffer a slow and painful death, so consider yourselves warned... :P
Well, I should be off to do some housework and watch some TV - perhaps even play some Games. I'll chat with you all another time. As always - my apologies for being lax in commenting in your Journals. I'll get there at some point, really I will! Just bear with me, K?
In the meantime, don't forget to...