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Wheeeeeeee! :)

Well, guess what?  I've got my Wii and I'm quite excited about it!  :)

Managed to pick it up at the midnight release at my local Game Store (dragged along Anna to guard me should someone wanna mug me for my Console), and managed to set it up and play the thing later that day.  Had one or two technical issues - couldn't figure out why the cordless controllers weren't working, and then I checked the back of the Console, and realised I hadn't plugged in the Sensor Bar...  Oooooops!  :D

The latest Game in this long-running series...Since then, we've played a bit of Tennis, done some Bowling (I managed to knock down 91 pins in one bowl - how good is THAT?), and play a decent session of Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess.  Even managed to try out some of my old 'Cube Games on it, with varying degrees of success.

I've actually discovered a few things, which may benefit some of you out there.  Firstly, the "Classic Controller" you can purchase seems to be only useful for the downloadable Games from the Wii Shopping Channel.  It doesn't seem to replace the old 'Cube controller, as I discovered when trying to play Metroid Prime.  When I plugged in my Waverbird to the top ports on the Wii, I also discovered that it works just fine - another cordless controller to add to the collection then.  Thirdly, I discovered that to use my old 'Cube memory card was fine, but that I couldn't transfer the data off the card and onto the Wii Console - kind of a bummer. 

Now let's not forget I'm handing over my 'Cube to a mate of mine, so it means I'll need to get hold of a new memory card and another Wavebird if I wanna play any of my old 'Cube Games.  Annoying, but not the end of the world.  It was like discovering that the Wii Play pack (y'know the one with the extra controller and Wii Play Game) doesn't actually come with an extra nunchuk controller - you have to purchase that separately.  Also annoying, as all of these involve spending more money to make the Console all bright, shiny and perfectly running...

On the good news front, my Wireless Network is working fine with the Wii.  The Console has its own built in wireless adapter, so I don't have to worry about my Netgear Adapter being on the fritz right now.  No cords running across the lounge room, thank you very much!  So I'm pretty happy there - now all I gotta do is buy myself some Wii Points and start downloading some old school Games...  Fun, fun fun!  :)

NEhow, I'm on a break from work - got another course this afternoon - so I better get back to sorting out stuff here at home before I run away again.  Hope you're all doing well out there in Gamespot Land, people.

(Oh, and don't forget to...

GAME ON!  :))