There are some days when being a casual worker are good, and some days that it's not. Recently, I've been having a few day's more of the latter, rather than the former. :(
My work as a Trainer can vary quite a bit. Some weeks I might work every day, others I might only work a day or so. And if a course gets cancelled, then I have the day off. *shrug*
Unfortunately, this past week has involved a couple of courses getting cancelled on me. So last Monday and Tuesday, I lost a course when the organiser cancelled due to lack of numbers. Thursday nights (for the next four weeks) are also free for me now, as another course was cancelled due to some communications issues. So twenty-one hours of work evaporated for me. When I don't work, I don't get paid. :(
So I had to dip into my savings again this week, as I have to get a couple of new tyres for my car before it gets defected for having a (mostly) bald tyre on the back. That was supposed to be rectified this Saturday just gone. As it happens, things got a lil' complicated there, as I got called into work at short notice to fill in for a Trainer who was ill or something. Now, the extra work was good - not complaining about that - just the timing of it kinda sucked. Was supposed to go out Friday night for a few drinks (well, a LOT of drinks, actually) which also fell to the wayside, as I kinda need to be sober for work - not terribly good to be writing on the wall instead of the whiteboard, really. :P
Hopefully, my work roster will improve in the coming weeks. It's been kinda quiet for me since about the middle of December. I'm hoping it sorts itself out before my bank account drains itself dry. *shrug*