Just playing single-player at home, now. You can work out what that means for yourself.
I've embraced Red Dead Redemption and am enjoying both the single-player story and online multiplayer with friends. I've also moved on to some newer games - newer for me - including Assassin's Creed II (it is, as people say, better than the original), Fallout: New Vegas (currently on hiatus, but I'll get back to it) and XBLA games like both Deathspanks and Microbot. I've not touched Beatles Rock Band for a while, for emotional reasons, but I definitely want Rock Band 3 and a keyboard controller, having had a go at a friend's place. I've also been playing some PS3 games, since I have one on loan; I bought Little Big Planet, but its strangely not very satisfying playing it single player. Heavenly Sword is great fun, and that reminds me: I'm also enjoying Enslaved: Odyssey to the West on the 360.
Also, Spelunky. Lots of Spelunky. I don't normally play PC games, as my laptop can't handle much, but Spelunky is building to a minor obsession. I can't wait for the XBLA version.
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