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The games we play....

Also, as an afterthought, seeing as this is my "game blog", I figured i should also say a few words on the games i play, and why I like them. Well, probably not only me, but here we go. I played my first video game maaaaaany years ago. It was one of the first titles on Super Mario Bros, and I have been hopelessly addicted since. My experience and game library may not come close to some of the people in here, but I figure; why do you buy 20 games, and keep playing only 3? The obvious answer is, of course, that the other ones suck. But i think there is more to it than that. Why do some people STILL love games like Pac Man, and Tetris, with the graphics and options we have today? It's as simple as this; replay value. And think to yourself, what games have you played and kept playing, again, and again, and again? This is what it's all about. Some games you see in the shop, you buy it, and go home to play. You put in some hours, and after a while you finish it, with more or less grace. Then what? Do you put it in a shelf, or even trade it for another game? Or do you keep coming back to it, again and again. After a week, a month or even a year. I still have a couple of games I bought 10 years ago, and I still play them from time to time. And the reasons may be as varied as the games. Why do people play Tetris? Probably not the baffeling graphics, or the variations in game play. You put a block on another block, and that is what you do. I never really got that game... But other games may have the same thrills. It could be the feeling you get when you run through the halls in Devil May Cry, slinging guns and throwing your sword. Or the footsteps of a guard, while you are hidden beneath a cardboard box in Metal Gear. Some people love the cheer of the crowd when they score a goal in FIFA, others the slow motion movie of your opponent after you knock him to the ground in Fight Night. There is no one answer. We love the games we love for a million or more reasons, and that is why I play so many different games. Each game giving me a different feel. So, I give you now a quick run through of SOME of the games I loved and hated. Metal Gear: Snake Eater. Probably one of my favourite MGS titles. The graphics, the environment, and the challenges gave me many hours of fun. The best part is that you can mess up as many times as you like, and still manage to complete the game. You can hide from the guards, lure them to you and knock them out, or just shoot them from behind before they see you. And even if most of the Boss battles where pretty boring, in my opinion, I loved the battle with The End, The Boss and the first and the last with Ocelot. Fallout 3 I haven't played the other ones in the series, but I loved this one. Even the VATS, which I didn't really like very much, has grown on me. I have always liked beeing able to grow your own character, and this combined with the exploring, and the fact that what you do decides how people treat you, made this one of my favourite games ever. Final Fantasy VII The best FF title ever, if you ask me. The story is great, I loved the characters, you have a million things to do except the main storyline, Good weapons, and a wide variety of characters gives you the option to play how you like. The materia system even made sure that if you wanted to change a character midway, you didn't need to start building up his/her stats from scratch again. Just switch the equipment, and your party is as strong as ever. (The fact that the games give you so much MORE to do than the main story, is probably the main reason I like a lot of the FF games.) Worms: Armageddon Hilarious. There is something about being a worm with a bazooka that launches sheep, that really gets me going. And with the multiplayer, so you can decimate your friends too, it's a definite keeper. Battlefield Bd Company 2 The campaign was alright, but the multiplayer is a beacon of light in a dark world. You have your options, from stealthy sneaking around and picking people off, to rolling in with a tank or a helicopter, with a mate by your side, gunning away. the world is yours to play with, and blow up people and buildings alike. Sure, it has it's flaws, but all in all; if you don't like the team, the map or how the round plays out, you can always quit it and find a new one. Heavy Rain A clear blank page in the game world, this genre was a smash hit with me. I love the openendedness, and how the choices you make create the story. Kill a character, and play on with three, or two, or only one. It is like watching a movie, and deciding what door the hero should open to save the girl. On my first play through, I killed of one character, and on the next I was determined to clear it with all. Halfway through, I wondered, what if I kill off this guy instead? And suddenly I had to play it a third time. It is impossible to get all bits and pieces in one play through. Silent Hill The first one was brilliant, the second one decent, after that it was downhill, fast. Nothing new, except a couple of new enemies who are unbelievably tough to kill, and it only got worse on the next one.The only redeeming feature was that they stayed true to the fact that everything finishes in Silent Hill, and it wasn't enough. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed I bought it, tried it and sold it. The controls were awkward, I didn't like the way he moved or fought, the force was pretty much useless. Simply put: I hated it. Demon Souls A fantastic game filled with great gameplay and a ton of frustration. At first I loved it, after two weeks of playing, I hated it. Now I am back at loving it again. It is, like Heavy Rain, a very different gaming experience, but definitly rewarding when you get something right. The main thing that keeps confusing me, is that there is no map, quest or anything to guide you along the way, other than the fact that each world is fairly linear. For once, linear maps does not bother me. The enemies re spawn, which I like. Boring with huge worlds with no enemies in them. It has a lot of features I haven't discovered yet, and probably even more enemies I haven't seen. All in all, a great game, but probably not for all. Well, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed the read. I will be back with more rants later. * The list is completely random, and is NOT a ranking list in any way.