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WhitePenguin Blog

im leaving....

well, i havent made a blog in like a yeah. im sry to everyone I am close with, add me on myspace or aim. I have  just lost intrest, so I am sorry everyone. It has been fun, I learned alot, made good friends, but i am sorry. I might come back one of these days.

Goodbye friends :(



 Ok, so today I come home from seeing Casino Royale (WHICH KICKED ASS!)and my mom said a package came. So I saw the package and it was about as big as a box that could carry a 20' TV. So I got a handy dandy knife and slowly opened it and what do I see? I see this...

 Thats right....I GOT A MUTHAF*****N LAPTOP!!!!!! My aunt had sent to me, boy do I love her :D My mom hates it and thinks it's unecessary, but I say it's mine and it IS necessary. For what you ask? I don't know.... BUT I GOT A LAPTOP!!!
I love it and I can't to use it to it's full extent.

There's my current wallpaper, the programs I have installed so far are
- itunes
- windows media player
- quicktime
- photoshop
- and firefox :)

 SO, yeah, I'm very happy right now. Me and my brother also bought Guitar Hero 2 and it kicks @$$!!!! Seriously, one the best games ever. That's about it, im going to bed and have a great Thanksgiving everybody.

                              - Patrick

Gears Of War First Impressions (Pics of collectors edition included)

 OK!!!! IT WAS A HELL OF A LONG DAY! I fell asleep in algebra and I actually had a nightmare about the LOCUST! (Those are the bad guys in Gears of War) I got home, waiting to see my brothers car in the driveway, BUT HE WAS AT THE GUN RANGE!!!:evil: :evil: :evil: So I was spazzing out for about an hour, reading all of the reviews and seening all of the GS forum posters saying "!!!!!ZOMG ITS GEARS O WAR!!!!!!" So when my mom finally got home, I was practically pissing my pants. SHe walks through the door, I practically through her out the other direction. Long story short................................

           !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THATS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                       !!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 This is probably one of the best games EVER!!!!!! I love it so far, I played for about 20 minutes and I was having a seizure because of all the BLOOD AND GORE!!!!! It is just such a FUN game. The cover does take time to get used to though. It is just sooooo much fun. It is quite amazing.
 I then played multiplayer and it is just as FUN! IT is fast, fun, simple, great, mindblowing. I played with a bunch of great guys and the first thing I heard a guy say was " HAPPY EMERGENCE DAY"!!!! Then everyone says HERE HERE!! It was pretty frekin hilarious.
 So those are my impressions so far, here are pics from the actual Limited Collectors Edition.

The front, you can already see my fingerprints :oops:

"Destroyed Beauty" A book of early artwork for Gears of War, very cool and there is background info for the players and the world.

The book and 48- Hour free subscription to XBL

The disc on the right is the exclusive bonus disk and the game should be on the left but it's in my 360 and it will be for a looonnngggg time.

                    COLLECTORS EDITION_


So as you can probably see, I am very happy right now. It is going to be a great week, AND A GREAT 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!!! Y'all have a great week and weekend too. Now I shall play Barbie Horse Adventures........... PSYCH!

                                         - Patrick

!!what a week it will be!!

OK! As most of everyone knows, GEARS O' WAR comes out TUESDAY! So after school, I shall pick my copy up. Later in the week, me and my bro will buy Guitar Hero 2 and split the cost $40/$40. Idon't have school on Friday, so that is all reserved for gaming!!!!!! A very short blog today, but yeah, can't wait for Gears!!!!!

6 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes, and 45 seconds.....

That is how long until Gears Of War comes out boyz and girls. I fully pre-ordered the collectors edition of this so as Wayne and Garth would say "*SHWING*".

Besides Gears, I am going to get these games maybe too
- Guitar Hero 2
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
- Silent Hill 2 & 3
- Bully
- Tony Hawks Project 8
- Rainbow Six: Vegas

Yesterday, I downloaded teh demo for Rainbow Six:Vegas, and WOW! What a great demo, I have played it at least 20 times. It is a fun game, if you are thinkin it is just GRAW in Vegas...........then you are right, but there's soooo much more to it. It's just really fun :D

One last thing, HALO F***N 3!!!!! Now there are 3 versions coming out, regular, collectors, and legendary. The Legendary comes with 3 bonus disks and a REPLICA SPARTAN HELMET!!....price: $100. You know what's funny? I am really thinking about getting it........o yes, I am. Nothing else to say but

Done, Done, and really thinking bout it
Alright guys and girls, I just finished Dead Rising  with the "good" ending as some people would say. Overall, I love this game and it is definetly in my top 20. I will try to post a review for it soon. Very great game with much replay value, if you hae a 360, pick it up if already haven't.

I also finished up Saints Row , again, a very great game. Yeah, it is practicaly GTA, but in alot of ways, it is better, I don't think I can go back to San Andreas after what Saints Row has offered me. Looks like Rockstar will have to step up with GTA4. I will also try to get a review up for this really fast.

I just downloaded the demo for Tony Hawk's Project 8. This is a very, very fun demo and I am really considering buying this. I haven't played a Tony Hawk game since the 3rd one. It looks great, plays great, sounds great and the tricks you can pull off are amazing! So I am really considering buying.

Nothing really else to say, homecoming was a blast, the game and the dance. At the game, we won 44 - 6. It was a great weekend but now, I am really tired. See ya next time

- Patrick


This could possibly be one of THE worst game-to-movie movies ever, if not one the worst movies peroid! But yeah, I know it's DOOM. I mean, who doesnt love DOOM? It is a great game. They even put a first-person view into the movie everyonce in awhile too, which they are ok, but they are very,very lame. :lol: When you watch it, it is sometimes soooo lame, that it makes you chuckle,especially the ending! So, if you are in a bad mood and you want to cheer up, get some popcorn and get ready to laugh at this horrible action movie.
I give DOOM the movie a :) outta :D :D :D :D :D

im really sorry guys...

Yeah guys and girls, I  just have one thing to say.

 "I am very, very sorry I haven't been around for awhile"

 I have rarely posted in anyone's blogs, I haven't even had a real blog post for awhile. I just hate school because it is taking away so much of my free time.......high school sucks.
I am really going to try to post as many times as I can, but again I am really sorry buddies :cry: If you forgive me, :D If you don't forgive me, :cry:
On a less depressing note, I am going to homecoming this week with a SENIOR! Yeah, pretty cool huh? Yeah, ME a freshman, is going to homecoming with a SENIOR!
One, more thing, I want Guitar Hero 2 really bad, but I don't know whether to get the PS2 or 360 version, so what do yall think?

 So sorry this is a really short one, but just to let yall know, I am NOT DEAD, I just don't hav anytime, so I'm sorry.

 lol, c ya guys and have a GREAT WEEK!

                                                           - Patrick

the best night of my life....

Well, last night I went to go see one of my favorite bands ever, MUSE. It was at Nokia Theatre in Grand Praire. I went with my bro and his 5 friends (Devon, Shaine, Whitney, Garret, and ED!) It was an AMAZING concert. And I took the camera, so here are a bunch of images.

Here was my ticket (cost me $40.00)

We stopped at Devon's apartment before the show and this is his cat, Pheebee(or however u spell it). My brother just calls her Chuck Norris.

That was the loser car! aka Devon, Garret and Whitney

The outside of Nokia Theatre

That was the warmup band, The Like. For a all chick band, they actually really good.

After the warmup band, they unvieled the drums and piano (everyone was goin crazy)

I'm goin to show the pics of the concert now so enjoy

 All in all, this was probably the best night of my life.....