Ok, so today I come home from seeing Casino Royale (WHICH KICKED ASS!)and my mom said a package came. So I saw the package and it was about as big as a box that could carry a 20' TV. So I got a handy dandy knife and slowly opened it and what do I see? I see this...
Thats right....I GOT A MUTHAF*****N LAPTOP!!!!!! My aunt had sent to me, boy do I love her :D My mom hates it and thinks it's unecessary, but I say it's mine and it IS necessary. For what you ask? I don't know.... BUT I GOT A LAPTOP!!!
I love it and I can't to use it to it's full extent.
There's my current wallpaper, the programs I have installed so far are
- itunes
- windows media player
- quicktime
- photoshop
- and firefox :)
SO, yeah, I'm very happy right now. Me and my brother also bought Guitar Hero 2 and it kicks @$$!!!! Seriously, one the best games ever. That's about it, im going to bed and have a great Thanksgiving everybody.
- Patrick
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