So when I got back into console gaming, I decided I needed to get a variety of games to start me off. As a majority of my decision to get an Xbox 360 was because of Final Fantasy XIII, that was obviously on top of the list. I reached out to some friends who had been gaming on the Xbox for years for advice on which games to get to start me off. Here's what I ended up with.
Final Fantasy XIII
As I mentioned this game was the catalyst for getting a next generation console to begin with. I've been a die hard Final Fantasy fan since Final Fantasy II on the SNES. Final Fantasy III (or VI depending how you look at it) is my favorite game of all time. Squaresoft, and subsequently Sware Enix has been the deciding factor in most of my console purchases since the beginning of my days as a gamer.
So far, I've enjoyed the game quite a bit. The graphics are amazing, but keep in mind, this is my first HD gaming rig, so I was bound to be awed by the graphics of any game I played. Still the visuals are very nice, the battle sequences are slick, and the plot and characters, while nothing new, are still compelling. If you've read any of the reviews, you know the game is very linear, no going off the beaten path, for the first 20-30 hours. I've recently gotten to the point where I have some more freedom, and it's a lot of fun.
The Orange Box
While I was at Gamestop picking up Final Fantasy, I saw this game sitting on the shelf for a mere $19.99 and knew instantly that I must get it. I have heard over and over again how much fun the game Portalis, ever since hearing Still Alive on Rock Band 2. On top of that, it came with Half-Life 2. I played the original Half-Life during my freshman year of college and loved it. Team Fortress 2 also comes in the package. I don't care about TF2, but the rest of the included stuff was enough to make up my mind.
Portal ended too soon, but it was so much fun. I've only just started Half-Life 2, but it brings back a lot of memories from playing the first one. Head crabs!
Halo: ODST
This was a gift from my cousin-in-law who works for Bungie. Coincidentally, I got my 360 the same weekend as my birthday, and when he heard I was getting the system, he sent the game to me as a present. I had played the first two Halo games at my brother-in-law's house, but now I finally owned one! The game is short, but amazingly fun. I'm not a huge fan of shooter games, but I really like Halo. The game gets me into the beta for the next Halo game too, so I'm looking forward to that!
Fallout 3
For the last three years, I've been playing World of Warcraft. That's a large part of the reason I never got a current gen console. But a lot of my friends in WoW talked about this game as being a lot of fun. So on their recommendation I got this game. I actually traded for it over a game trading website called Goozex. I've only played through the opening sequence in Vault 101, but I can already tell it's going to be a great game.
Gears of War
This was obtained through Goozex as well, and I've also not played anything but the opening tutorial. I heard a lot about this game and the sequel when they were released, and also had it recommended to me by several people. I'm not actually certain if I'll end up liking this game or not, but I'll wait until I've played it more to give a final verdict.
Assassin's Creed
I've only borrowed this game. I bought my 360 used from my brother-in-law and he loaned me this game, saying it was a must play, and that the sequel was even better. He didn't let me down. Assassin's Creed was so much fun , I stopped playing Final Fantasy for two weeks and just played this game. I've since beaten it, written a review, and have nearly gotten all of the achievements. I just need to go back into the game and do all of the collection quests.
Next month I'll be borrowing Assassin's Creed II and I cannot wait.
Area 51: Blacksite
Interesting choice, yeah? This is another one I borrowed and for personal reasons. The aforementioned cousin worked on this game when he was with Midway. It was his first game for a major console after getting out of school, so it's got some sentiment to it. I haven't played it much yet, but I do plan on just doing a single play through to see his name in the credits.
So that's what I'm working on currently. With Assassin's creed done, I'll probably go back to Final Fantasy and finish the game before trying to do some of the extra stuff. After playing through the rest of these, I've got my eyes on Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed 2, DragonAge: Origins and Oblivion. I've never been much for sports games, though I enjoy some racing games. There's also Halo: Reach, which I'll be in the multiplayer beta for on May 3rd.
All in all, I feel like I've picked a good time to get back to console gaming. Every weekend is a new adventure.