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Exploring Gran Pulse

After finishing Assassin's Creed, I booted up Final Fantasy XIII again. I'm currently roaming the lower world of Gran Pulse slaying monsters and trying to get my characters advanced enough to continue on with the main story line. It looks like I don't have to worry about the achievements for now since you can do almost all of them after you've beaten the game. That's sort of refreshing as I can play the game at my own pace instead of hovering over FAQs to make sure I get everything the first time through. Hoping to get some more time on this game over the weekend so I can put it on my cleared games list. Especially since I have some other gems to look forward to.

Last weekend I went and saw my brother in law graduate, and while I was their snagged copies of Assassin's Creed 2 and Bioshock from him, both of which I'm looking forward to. I've only read the instruction manual for Bioshock, and I'm already excited to play it. I'm pretty lucky in the quality of games I've been able to borrow from family. It's especially nice when you're budget doesn't really allow for even sporadic purchases of used games.

So now I just have to pick out which game to play next after I finish the latest Final Fantasy. I think I'm going to hold off on Assassin's creed since I just finished the first one, and since I'm currently wrapped up in an RPG, something simpler and more action packed might fit the bill. That leaves me with Area 51: Blacksite, Half Life 2, or Gears of War. Heck, I could probably finish a couple of those without too much trouble. Shooters tend to not have the time requirements of other games. I expect to put over 60 hours into Final Fantasy. Blacksite can most likely be finished in 10 hours or less if I don't stress about achievements.

Speaking of which, I think I've come to the decision that I will only work for achievements on games that are really fun to play. No sense killing myself for achievements on a game I don't enjoy. That being the case, I'll probably play Blacksite next just to get through the campaign. I think I mentioned before that I have it mostly because a family member worked on it, and I want to see what he worked on, even though he admits it's not as good as it could have been. Then I might tackle Gears of War before jumping into Fallout or Bioshock. So many options!

And of course, on top of all that, my guild in WoW has finally reached Arthas in Icecrown. More gaming than you can shake a stick at. Well, I mean you could, but why would you want to shake a stick at your games? That's just silly.