White_Wolf_Kiba's comments

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Edited By White_Wolf_Kiba

Did this game seriously get its score lowered due to social issues?

I'm sorry but as someone not living in AMERICA to me all this insane obsession with non existent social issues in VIDEO GAMES is downright baffling.

These are video game sites, not sites where people with strong and forced political agendas should force and shove their opinions and views onto others.

Gaming and this forced and fake political corrects need to separate once and for all.

I don't give a rat's ass about this game in particular

but as someone who has been downright disgusted by the forced and obviously fake social justice agenda video game sites are pushing now I just had to comment on this travesty of a review.

There is nothing wrong with stereotypes and sexism in entertainment


You know what? This is a Japanese developed game

we are not all brainwashed, politically correct little goody two shoes who turn into literal monsters the moment somebody ever so slightly shows disagreement with our agenda in the rest of the civilized world.

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@Shakeitbaby This "author" ignores all the other social issues because the "author" doesn't genuinely give a rat's ass about feminism or what have you, this person is trying to appear politically correct by addressing the latest fad everyone rages over, simple as that.

The worst part is, people like this lie not only to others that they support these irrelevant issues such as "serious sexist issues in SUPER MARIO" but they also lie to themselves that they stand up for these things because they have a desperate need to belong to a group that makes them feel like they're accomplishing something with their lives, like they actually matter.

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I honestly hope this fake and forced "politically correct" "feminists against video games" fad comes to an end because I'm sick and tired of reading comments such as "Politically muddled and profoundly misogynistic" from people who are clearly forcing themselves and lie to themselves that they are supporters of these irrelevant issues such as feministic problems in super mario and forced and clearly FAKE political correctness.

Where were you people before this disgusting, forced and fake fad was popular? Oh right, you didn't care, because you were too busy trying to follow and pretend to support whatever fad was "in" then.

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I'm absolutely certain that these people, the majority of them only pretend to care about such irrelevant and non existent issues as feministic problems in video games due to the fact that they desperately need to belong to some kind of a group they see as strong. These people lie to others and to themselves that they stand for feminism, that they find certain aspects of games offensive, they rage and obnoxiously attack everyone and everything that doesn't agree with their so called, forced and fake beliefs in order to feel more important, to feel like for the first time in their lives they're a part of something meaningful and like they're making a difference.

Many of these people choose to aggressively defend the issues they supposedly stand for such as feminism or some sort of rights movements not because they genuinely believe in the cause, but because they need a change in their lives, they need to feel important, they need to feel like they for once, belong somewhere and these loud and obnoxious groups are perfect for such people.

To me, it's very l clear that this recent feminist movement is nothing but drama stirred up by the media to divert people's attention from real, actually relevant issues on to something that is practically non existent.
In the end if they want to stand up for feminism and resolve issues with feminism they shouldn't be looking at video games, they should be helping actually oppressed women in countries and regions where such things actually exist and are a real problem, character designs in video games are not a real problem.
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Edited By White_Wolf_Kiba

This game is amazing

I wish it was out on Vita, but I'm buying it on PS3 as soon as it comes out