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Back in School

It's that wonderful time again. School has begun. I actually moved into an apartment with my friends off-campus at the beginning of the week. For lack of a better phrase, this week we've been hauling ass to get everything settled. One girl is from Hawaii and had no furniture or anything. So, we had to drive down to Ikea which is atleast an hour from where we are. We spent at least three hours there because she's really picky about what she buys. But, she found what she needed andhad to have some stuff delivered. We received the stuff she wanted delivered. One item was her bed frame. This bed frame was in terrible condition. The paint was really chipped. You could't even paint it over. One side looked like a smiley face was carved into it. :lol: There were no instructions and the screws came in a jelly belly bag. :lol: What the hell is that about? So, I'd bet my money that someone returned that one and they didn't check it properly. It was just in unacceptable condition. We ended up having to drive back down to Ikea to replace some of the part of the frame. It felt like we were out for ages. I don't know why. We were gone for close to six hours. But, I did get a nice refreshing Icee along the way. :D When we got back with all the fixed parts, we helped her bulid some stuff. It actually didn't take too long. She put the bed together.My friend and Ihelped with the desk and chair and we were done just like that. This week, it feels like I haven't relaxed at all. But, I guess that makes up for all the relaxing I did over summer. :wink:

Actual class is starting in about 10 hours. So, I need to hit the sack. If I don't post in your unions as often, I apologize. I know a lot of people have been saying that because of school starting. Some things just take priority. I shouldn't have too much school work this week since I only have class today which is Thursday. I have Fridays off. :D Hopefully my classes will be good and don't require me to read ridiculous amounts of books. :lol: I had that problem last year and pretty much did not read at all what my professors expected me to read. Honestly though, if I had read, it wouldn't have improved my grades at all.Most tests are based off of lectures, not readings.The readings are supposed to just be supplemental Iguess. The help further thee learning experience. I've written a lot this time. But, I don't do many blogposts. So, I hope you're all doing well. Take care of yourselves and enjoy life. :D