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Caffeine: A Humorous Drug

I have absolutely nothing relevant to write. :P So, I figured I'd tell you all about caffeine, the greatest legalized drug there is. :P Yes, it is better than booze I think, at least in my case. :P

It was a weekend, a weekend where writing three final papers for school became a priority. :P I thought I had learned the first time from drinking too many energy drinks that it makes me uber hyper. :P But what the hell, my housemate and I decided to go the 7/11 to get Starbucks Doubleshots...with GUARANA...what a gross sounding word that is, but it is fun to say...GUARANA. :P Anyhoo, we get back, we chug them down while I'm writing a paper about video games actually. :P At first, I was super focused on my paper. I was writing that paper like there was no tomorrow. :P Next thing I know, I was dancing across the living room floor like I was Michael Jackson or something. :lol::P

After my little dance off with my housemate, I noticed my other housemate left her avocado shells on the counter. :P They were hollowed out and I thought, "Wow...those would be good for stuffing your bra to make your boobs look bigger. Why aren't people using these to stuff their bras instead of tissues?" :lol: So, guess what I did next? I humored my housemate by sticking them in my bra. :lol: Makes me wonder if I'd have done that despite the caffeine, knowing me, I probably would have, but whatever. :P I totally acted like I was high or something, which I guess I was, off of caffeine. :lol: What can I say, fake boobs are funny. :P

No there's no real point to this story, just something somewhat amusing to share.:P Feels like a bunch of people have been down lately, so hopefully that little story about me stuffing my bra with avocado shells put a smile on someone's face. :P :wink:

And of course, I must ask since it has been a while since my last blog, how are you all doing? :wink: Hope you're all doing well. :wink:


P.S...GUARANA!!! :P And no, I'm not on caffeine right now. I'm just easily amused. :P