Edit: Yes I changed the title. :lol:
Hello dudes and dudettes. Well, I go back to college tomorrow. Yay. I start school Thursday though. :P That's that. Not exciting just thought I'd make conversation. :P I'm debating whether to change my major to Psychology. Haha. I do like Legal Studies though. I may decide to minor in Psych actually. We'll see. My friend told me I'm good at understanding people, so I was like "I guess." :lol: Plus, I just like Psychology. It's interesting. :wink: Apparently I'm her conscience in her dreams. :lol: I found that funny. I'll take that as I'm good at giving advice. :lol: Not that I'd major in something because of someone's dreams. :P
Anyway, I finally summoned the courage to post pictures of myself. :o Some of you know what I look like all ready, but I figured eh...I'll just post some anyway for those of you who may want to know what I look like. If I find these pictures outside of GS, I swear I'll kill you. :P With my banjo nonetheless. Enjoy mes amis. :wink:
zintura I hope you're happy now because I know you wanted to see what I look like. :wink:
Peace out everyone. :wink: