Question and Answer Blog
So, my friend khatibi was saying how she misses people writing about themselves and their lives in their I figured I'd give you all the opportunity to shoot any questions you have my way and I shall answer them. :P So yeah, ask away people. :D And Lulu guess I kind of stole the idea from you too. :P
A Hilariously Awesome Day in Psychology
On to my Psychology course. My Professor the whole quarter has been saying how we need to have fun, be free, and run naked through the woods...yes you heard me right.:lol: So, at the end of the lecture these two girls got up...and took their shirts off! :o:lol: And they were followed by a group of maybe 15 people...all of them ran down the lecture hall butt naked and out the joke. :lol: That was the best ending to a course ever. :lol: And then another group got in front of everyone and started singing "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. :lol: So, that was my day.:P I wish Legal Studies people were that awesome, but what're you gonna do?:P
Quick E3 Rant
Okay...E3. I'll just make this short by saying I enjoyed Sony's Conference the most, Microsoft was a close second, while Nintendo's just made me sad. :P I'm excited for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 the most. :P I'll be playing Captain America's side. 8) So, if you haven't all ready or want to again, feel free to share E3 thoughts. I thought it was pretty solid this year. :D
Special Shout Out
And I just quickly want to give a shout out to wolves1989. :) He has been the greatest friend ever. :D You're such a fun person to be around and always make my day. So, thank you for always being there for me Dan. :D:wink: I could write a whole blog about you, and maybe I will sometime, but I'll leave it there. :P:wink:
Guess that's it. Hope it wasn't too much reading. :P But hey, I don't blog often so whatever. :P I will get to your blogs more and the questions when I'm done with my tests. :D:wink: Let me know how you're all doing as well. :D Peace out everyone. :D