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WhoAmIAgain Blog

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle?

I must say, i've never really gotten into the advanced wars series until i started playing this, but when i wanted to check out any strategies i could use (btw they used all the strategies i use, i even had more than they gave.) But that wasn't the laugh out loud laziness i witnessed here : read the Bait and Switch. Now, im not saying GS is lazy, its just that AW: DoR renewed MANY units, im pretty damn sure there isn't anymore neotanks. also. They improved many a thing that made me actually start liking this. Battleships were greatly improved but too expensive to spam. they could move and hit, which made not only the game easier, but harder too since you enemy does allot of the same things with the Battleship. They also added the wonderous unit, the "bike" unit. travels faster than infantry and reaches long distance Cities and Factory's without much effort but loses ground like a Mech unit in the montains when obstructed with forests and ruins. All im say here is that, Make your own Strategies not reuse them GS. Be shamed :|

Happy Gaming

Exposure to video games, compared to your lifespan

Now-a-days, Everything is being compared to cancer. including Video games. Why? because Gaming has integrated into Modern Sub-culture and molded the minds of youths all over the world. Parents fears of their children becoming violent and/or stupid managed to find a way to "scare" them away. ( That is to say, if it even managed to work. Youth Protests seem to be having the upper hand in this war, Video Games are getting even more violent and Graphical. Many Deaths have been linked to video gaming, But where is the proof of that? He may be a gamer but does it really mean that he killed because he knew how?

There have also been... well,... quite pathetic deaths concerning games. those are usually from major game addicts, One whom ive heard died from constant gaming of Halo 3, and another from playing 7 days straight of WoW. the Belief was that video games while played increase Human adrenaline which of course increases our heart rate causing sudden heart attacks.

MMORPGs are now also have study's such as this humorous exerpt from Wikipedia:

Corrupted Blood plague incident

The Corrupted Blood plague incident was one of the first events to affect entire servers. Patch 1.7 saw the opening of Zul'Gurub, the game's first 20-player raid dungeon where players faced off against an ancient tribe of jungle trolls under the sway of the ancient Blood God, Hakkar the Soulflayer. Upon engaging Hakkar, players were stricken by a debuff (a spell that negatively affects a player) called "Corrupted Blood" which would periodically sap their life. The disease would also be passed on to other players who were simply standing close to an infected person. Originally this malady was confined within the Zul'Gurub instance but made its way into the outside world by way of hunter or warlock pets that contracted the disease.

Within hours Corrupted Blood had infected entire cities such as Ironforge and Orgrimmar because of their high player concentrations. Low-level players were killed in seconds by the high-damage disease. Eventually Blizzard fixed the issue so that the plague could not exist outside of Zul'Gurub.

The corrupted blood plague so closely resembled the Outbreak of real-world Epidemics that scientists are currently looking at ways MMORPGs or other massively-distributed systems can model human behavior during outbreaks. The reaction of players to the plague closely resembled previously hard-to-model aspects of human behavior that may allow researchers to more accurately predict how diseases and outbreaks spread amongst a population

Hope you have a safe time gaming :D

Tabula Rasa's Downsides

Got a Tabula Rasa and started playing it.

Well its new and fun, but it isnt all that easy to get into.... let me explain why.
Tabula Rasa simply put is different, most MMOs are left-click right-click, Tabula Rasa is [T], [C]+[Tab], [alt], [Ctrl]

Tabula Rasa is fantastic in gameplay but when it comes to the MMO world, simply its a hard kick in the gonads. everything you want to interact with requires you to hit [T] and when you enter combat you can run around of course, but you loose accuracy and your dmg is cut down in half, so your practicly forced to Crouch in one position and then if you want to deal more dmg and get more accuracy you have to bead [Tab] (bead=lock-on) alt and ctrl was me over exageratting. but my point is its complicated if your used to other MMOs. now heres another odd thing about Tabula Rasa, when you kill a large group of enemies why does the last one seem to stand there like an idiot when its bar shows its dead? it really slows the process down a lot. Then theres the WTF JUST HAPPENED thing going on, walk down some path then get ambushed by two Bane Officers wondering what the hell just happened after you die in two seconds. The game isnt newbie friendly either, if you play it for the first time your always running arround in a circle like an idiot. also JUST before lvl 5 you hit your first tier, Oh Joy, you wont be able to lvl up until you find the promotion trainers. Oh crap where are they, Thats where you begin walking around in a circle till you notice a tab on the right side of your monitor saying, your mission is to get promoted. oh great help where now? all it says is at the barracks, **** which one? so your still running around like a moron until you go to get some more ammo, oh damn that barracks!? congragulations you just made it to lvl 5 on your third hour! thats just about the jist, i managed to get to lvl 10 today, really good game, im hoping that it will get a expansion for new ****s, skills, and a higher lvl cap.

Whats new Next-Gen? FFVII again?

Im getting annoyed these days about "NEXT GENERATION GAMES", "NEW AGE TITLES" , "UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE". Really? Whats new?

Every time, i ask someone, what really is a next generation game? They stand there, being stupid then giving me, "something new something different." Really now, give me a game that is "Something new, something different." what do they throw in my face? Halo 3, people...halo 3 is not next gen, its possibly the most unoriginal game in my books. It hurts just to even play it now. Halo 3 has never been Next gen, its not even different, it didnt change anything from the last games. Another thing, I love Strategy and tactics games. Why is it when they have a "great, new, fresh idea" it turns out bleak and boring. Im speaking of course about Empire Earth. To even be able to play a game without cheating and make it all the way to the future age, is like waiting for an apple to pop out of your ass. Its stupid, its irritating, and its boring. Tactics games. Everyone who likes to use their brain loves tactics games. But why is EVERY SINGLE ONE THE SAME? Not even kidding you. Advance wars Fire emblem SAME THING DIFFERENT UNIT SETUP. FFT Disgaea SAME THING DIFFERENT DIFFICULTIES. People, if i had any chance to create a battle system, i would put EVERYTHING into count. Isnt terrain a large factor in a battle? For example, Ice seems like it would freeze someone over better if they were standing on a puddle or even in water. Maybe you could start a wild fire By casting a fire spell on some trees to incinerate the enemy army. Add a wind factor to make the use of archers more and less valued. Allow the Terrain to change due to the choices of the player. Sure I burned down that forest thats why whenever I go there it looks like ashes. that kind of thing.

I hate when people assume some thing is different. to me there is no such thing a nex-gen gaming. what i see is what could be done and what will probably never be done. Sadly looking at possibly the greatest series of games is FF series. So much innovation, but they have no ambition, the games they make set no goals but set the bar higher and higher. Square-enix is running out of ideas just like their weakening set of games. They are even forced to feed off already produced games like FFVII And FFT:War Of The Lions. Likewise as the topic. When will we see a real Nex-Gen game?
Clearly, not yet.

Believe it or not. All ideas for games came from another game, no present game is original.