Master Fenix collection or no deal, seriously WTF. :(
Yeah, if it's not a collection I'm not interested either.
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Master Fenix collection or no deal, seriously WTF. :(
Yeah, if it's not a collection I'm not interested either.
I really can't wait for this game. I reckon it will get 9+. Literally the only game I am totally hyped for that's coming this year.
Second that. It's been my most anticipated game for a while.
The amount of video footage flooding the internet for this game prior to release is kinda ridiculous. Not allowing myself to watch the stuff anymore (Trying to resist anyway) cuz I don't want to see freaking everything prior to playing it.
Racism is huge and still is today. From police, to school and even jobs. Is just pretty annoying. Why is everything build up on race or nationality?
This is one thing I get so damned sick of hearing about. America brings in millions of immigrants each and every year. We do it at such a huge rate that whites will no longer be the majority in America in 20-30 years. Nobody's putting a gun to the nation's head to do it, it just does. Right now whites are the only ethnic group in the world willingly making themselves minorities in the countries they were previously majorities in. It ain't just America, western countries all over the world are opening up their borders to millions of immigrants of all ethnicities. Yet no matter what we do we have to hear this crap incessantly.
I got news for you, people are dicks and the younger they are the bigger of dicks they tend to be. When someone calls someone else the n word or some other racial slur it isn't always because of racism. Plenty of times it's because they simply wanted to insult the person and their ethnicity was the most obvious thing to go after. People love to bash other people for ANY REASON they can think of. They'll insult you if you're fat, if you're skinny, if you're short, if you're dumb, if you're nerdy, if you're poor, if they don't like the clothes you're wearing, if you're a different ethnicity than they are, if you never get laid, if you're promiscuous, if you've got acne, if you're gay, if you're ugly, if you don't have a job, if you've got a job but it's not a prestigious job, if you've got a big nose ... any goddamned thing they can think of! If you're an Asian walking down the street in America and some kid going by in a car yells "Chink!" at you that doesn't say a damned thing about racism in America or even that town. All it demonstrates is that some asshole kid felt like insulting someone for fun and he picked a racial slur because that was the most immediate and easy thing to say. If you want to say there's too many assholes in America I'll agree with you. But there's assholes everywhere no matter what country you're in!
But yeah, true racism does exist in America, it exists everywhere. How could it not? Look at nature, there's racism freaking everywhere in nature; if it looks different kill it! There's that goofy line that naive leftists love to use "racism is learned". That's a crock of shit. Tolerance is learned, racism is what you're born with. There are racists in America but I'd argue that we're one of the least racist countries in the world. Why the hell else would we be moving the 3rd world in here? If there were a country somewhere populated by people with polka dots America would be shipping them in too. A lot of these other countries that you seem to think are better don't have problems with racism because they don't allow people of other ethnicities through the door to begin with! How the hell can you have racism problems in a society if there's nobody different around to exercise racism on?
I mean yeah, the graphics look good but nowadays graphics are good on pretty much everything. Even cell phones do pretty good graphics. But the point is the power of these systems is not where it should have been.
Xbone needs a price drop at e3 to get back into the game. $249 with a game would move units quick.
$249?!!! Lol. Yeah, I guess that would move units alright. :)
man, phil is a rad guy. i wish he had been in charge of the Xbox division a long time ago instead of that other fucking douche, don.
He does appear to listen to and understand criticism better than some other Xbox heads have. Focusing on third party at E3 is a criticism I've seen levied at MS at a lot of past E3s and his tweet seems to indicate he's aware of it.
I know that it's possible for weaker hardware to be the market leader but for MS to turn things around with X1 it would necessitate them going really bonkers with exclusive titles. And at this point I'm seeing no signs they intend to do that. I think they've always given up too quickly on their exclusives. If something doesn't become a huge hit right away, selling millions of copies, they just shelve the franchise never to be seen again. They certainly gave up on Mistwalker too soon. Despite sales Lost Odyssey was a great game and it filled a niche in their catalog. Even if a given title is not a big seller having a lot of them that the competition doesn't makes your platform more attractive. They seem to always judge the success of their exclusives on their own rather than stepping back and considering what having a plethora of them available can do for their platform as a whole. MS's mindset regarding exclusive content appears to be megahit or bust.
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