So, this week, one of my highly anticipated Wiiware titles, LIT, was released. My thoughts?
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you get the idea :P)
In a nutshell, it's about a somewhat emo-ish high school student, Jake, who finds that his school is overrun with demonic shadows of what used to be the faculty members and students. His reason for being in this Otherworld zoned school? He has to get his girlfriend Rachel out of the same mess, who just hapens to be the only other human left.
Basically, your goal of the games "classrooms" is to get from the entrance to the exit. Sounds easy, huh? Well, it's not (shocking, huh?). The creatures lurk in the shadows, so what does Jake gotta do? He's got to LIT (*teehee* get it?) his way through all of the classrooms through the use of any available light sources; table lamps, motion sensors, broken windows, TV screens, you name it.
Ocassional boss battles with the "Dark" faculty members block Jake's rescue mission, and must I say, these are the best part of LIT in how creative they are; each one has a pet peeve that you have to retaliate them with, whether it be light, cherry bombs, or anything. Definately an awesome aspect of LIT.
I think I'll post a real review of this great game when I completely finish it, including this unlockable "Dark" mode, which is a race against the clock (or, truly, a race against the dimming lights) to finish the classroom in the fastest time possible.
Oh, and I've decided to post a video game song at the end of every blog post I do from now on, so this one is:
LIT-Hall Monitors Battle (kinda expected, huh? :lol )
And, FYI, this is my Youtube account if anyone wants to subscribe/friend me/creepy stalk me/whatever...and that was so not self advertising. ;)