Haven't played Fallout 3 but Mass Effect in my personal opinion is one of the greatest experiences in gaming. I honestly thought everything about the game was perfect minus the technical issues, the length and the lack of side-quests. As for Fable 2, it was a great game that I think would have surpassed mosts expectations had it been longer -- it was so damn short that it felt like you really didn't get the chance to fully enjoy everything. jamejameI totally agree with you Mass Effect being awesome, some online co-op would have been what would make it IMO the best game on the 360, behind Call of Duty 4. Hopefully they can put that in Mass Effect 2 ( if it happens) and just up the graphics, the original graphics were awesome, but now the standard is higher, if they had some of the best graphics on the 360, I don't know why anyone would not own it.
WiiBaller's forum posts
I actually don't think they are as good as Mass Effect, but they are still great RPGs nonetheless.ZimpanXYeah, i think I'll rent both of them, and see which one I like better.
I have Mass Effect, and I love it. I was just wondering if Fallout 3 or Fable 2 are as good if not better that Mass Effect. If either of them are as good as Mass Effect was, than I'll have to buy them.
I'm on part 1 chapter 8.MarthEXI haven't played it but I bet when you get to part two it will allow him to go higher.
CF is alright, MetaKinght is my favidill23Meta Knight is really good, but when playing against noobs I use Ike, charge up the B Attack and wait for one of them to come near me. But yeah use the sticky.
I think it will be a Halo-esque shooter, with online similar to Halo 3, and it will release with a headset and an alternative to friend codes!
Do I actually think that, no, but it would be pretty awesome.
This is sticky stuff, i think. Although I did notice that.Has anyone noticed that he Super Smash Bros. Brawl symbol looks a lot like the Fantastic Four symbol?
english motherf***** do you speak it!???bluntmastaslayalol, Seriously though come on.
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